Angeletti Lorenzo
Fellow Degree in Geology, 2004, University of Bologna
PhD Student in Paleontology, 2009, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Institute of Marine Sciences - National Research Council (CNR), Via Gobetti 101, 40129, Bologna
Phone +39 051 6398936
Since 2005, LA is awarded at the ISMAR-CNR Bologna UOS. His research topics concern the marine geology and paleobiology with particular interest in environments such as deep water corals and the associated fauna (molluscs). Has actively participated in 16 oceanographic cruises intended to study the deep sea.
Outreach activities include tutoring activities for three-year and five-year degree in Geology and Natural Sciences (area bio-sedimentological and paleobiology). Moreover, he conceived and organized two conferences (one third is under debate) to scientific-popular at your local authority on aspects of geology and paleontology its territory.
Angeletti L. & Ferretti M. (2006) I fossili delle “gessaje” e la geologia della cava: flora e fauna di un passato remoto. In: Villani V. & Furlani M. (eds) L’Oasi di S. Gaudenzio. Valori storici ambientali. pp 27-40, Senigallia.
Angeletti L. & Taviani M. (submitted) Entrapment, preservation and incipient fossilization of benthic predatory molluscs within deep-water coral frames in the Mediterranean Sea. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics
Angeletti L., Ceregato A., Ghirelli M., Gualandi B., Lipparini E., Malatesta D., Sperotti A. & Taviani M. (submitted) ROV-Scuba integrated survey of the Montecristo Island marine sanctuary (Tuscan Archipelago National Park, Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Underwater Technology.
Iaccarino S.M., Bertini A., Di Stefano A., Ferraro L., Gennari R, Grossi F., Lirer F., Manzi V., Menichetti E, Ricci Lucchi M., Taviani M., Sturiale G. & Angeletti L. (2008): The Trave section (Monte dei Corvi, Ancona, Central Italy): an integrated paleontological study of the Messinian deposits. Stratigraphy, 5, 3-4, pp. 281-306.
Scarponi D. & Angeletti L. (2008): Integration of palaeontological patterns in the sequence stratigraphy paradigm: a case study from Holocene deposits of the Po Plain (Italy). GeoActa, 7, Vol. Spec., pp 1-13.
Taviani M. & Angeletti L. (2009) I coralli profondi dell’Adriatico. DARWIN, 32, 74-81.
Taviani M., Angeletti L. & Ceregato A. (submitted) Considerations on chemosynthetic bivalves of the family Solemyidae (Bivalvia, Cryptodonta) in the Neogene of the Mediterranean basin. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics
Taviani M., Angeletti L., Oliverio M., Mifsud C., Dimech M., Freiwald A. & Harasewych J. (2009) Coralliophilinae associated with deep-water coral banks in the Mediterranean Sea. The Nautilus, 123 (3), 106-112.
Taviani M., Vertino A., Savini A, Remia A., López Correa M., Montagna P., De Mol B., Angeletti L., Zibrowius H., Salomidi M., Ritt B., Henry P. (submitted) Pleistocene to recent Deep-Water Corals in the Eastern Mediterranean. Facies.
Taviani M., Freiwald A., Beuck L., Angeletti L., Remia A., Vertino A., Dimech M., Schembri P.J. (2010) The deepest known occurrence of the precious red coral Corallium rubrum (L. 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea. NOAA Proceedings of Red Coral Workshop 2009.
Abstracts and Posters
Andreucci S., Angeletti L. & Pascucci V. (2006): Sequence stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of the Tyrrhenian deposits of Sinis (West Sardinia, Italy). Abstract & Oral presentation ISC 2006, 17th International Sedimentological Congress, Fukuoka-Japan, 27 Agosto – 1 Settembre 2006.
Angeletti L. & Taviani M. (2008) La malacofauna continentale tardo quaternaria nel paleo alveo del Sabluso (Bubano, Bologna). Giornate di Paleontologia, VIII Edizione 2008. Poster & Abstract, 9-12 Settembre 2008, Siena.
Angeletti L. and Taviani M. (2010) Frozen biodiversity: deep-water coral reefs as taphonomic traps. Abstract Book pp. 49. Hermione Annual Meeting 2010, Malta, 12-16 April.
Angeletti L., Taviani M. & Trincardi F. (2008): Metodologie quantitative applicate allo studio della componente macropaleontologica di carote prelevate sul margine continentale Adriatico. Giornate di Paleontologia, VIII Edizione 2008. Abstract & Presentazione Orale, 9-12 Settembre 2008, Siena.
Ceregato A., Angeletti L. & Taviani M. (2008) I fossili dello 'Schlier' (Miocene) dell'appennino bolognese nelle collezioni del Museo Geologico G. Capellini di Bologna. Giornate di Paleontologia, VIII Edizione 2008. Abstract & Presentazione Orale, 9-12 Settembre 2008, Siena.
Foglini F., Trincardi F., Taviani M., Angeletti L., Langone L. & Miserocchi S. (2010) “Dangerous litter” on a very dynamic slope of the Southern Adriatic: ship wrecks and unexploded weapons dumping areas. Abstract Book pp. 29. Hermione Annual Meeting 2010, Malta, 12-16 April.
Taviani M., Angeletti L. & Ceregato A. (2008): Past and Present Chemosynthetic bivalves (family: Solemyidae) inhabiting deep-sea cold-vent and reducing environments in the Neogene of the Mediterranean basin. 33rd IGC International Geological Congress, Abstract & Oral Presentation, 6-14 agosto 2008, Oslo.
Taviani M., Angeletti L., Ceregato A. & Bakran-Petricioli T. (2010) Was enhanced riverine input responsible for the demise of Central Adriatic cold-water reefsin historical times? Abstract Book pp. 49. Hermione Annual Meeting 2010, Malta, 12-16 April.
Taviani M., Angeletti L., Cagatay N., Gasperini L., Polonia A., & Wesselingh F. (2008): Flooding of the late Pleistocene Gemlik Caspian-like water body (Marmara Sea) as documented by macrofaunal data. 33rd IGC International Geological Congress, Abstract & Oral Presentation, 6-14 agosto 2008, Oslo.
Taviani M., Angeletti L., Çağatay N., Gasperini L., Polonia A. & Wesselingh F. (2009): The Anti-Noah’s Flood: Drowning of the Gemlik “Caspian” Outpost (Marmara Sea). IGCP 521-INQUA 0501, Fifth Planetary Meeting ad Field Trip, Turkey, August 22-31, 2009. Abstract Book 172-173.