Conversi Alessandra
Primo Ricercatore, CNR-ISMAR - Lerici
Laurea cum laude in Scienze Biologiche, 1983, Università di Roma.
Master of Science in Oceanografia, 1987, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California in San Diego, USA.
Ph.D. in Oceanografia, 1992, Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Fulbright Scholar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1985.
Traineeship, 1986-1991, Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Dean John Knauss/ Sea Grant Marine Policy Fellow, 1992-1993, National Science Foundation, Department of Oceanography, Washington DC, USA.
Research Assistant Professor, 1993-1996, presso il Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA, poi Adjunct Research Professor fino al 2001.
Ricercatrice, ENEA, S.Teresa, La Spezia, 1997-1999.
Ricercatrice, CNR-ISMAR-Lesina, 2001-2005, poi al CNR-ISMAR- Lerici .
Responsabile di Sezione, CNR-ISMAR-Lesina, 2003-2005.
Marie Curie Experienced Fellow presso Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, Plymouth UK (2012-2014).
Visiting Scientist, Plymouth University, UK, 2008-2017.
Primo Ricercatore CNR-ISMAR- Lerici, dal 2007.
- Co-Chair, Ocean Science Meeting (OSM) 2020: "For a Resilient Planet", San Diego, CA, USA, 16–21 February 2020 ( OSM is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences, co-sponsored by the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), and The Oceanography Society (TOS).
- Co-Chair, Ocean Science Meeting (OSM) 2020: "For a Resilient Planet", San Diego, CA, USA, 16–21 February 2020 ( OSM is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences, co-sponsored by the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), and The Oceanography Society (TOS).
- Vice-Chair, OSM 2018 , 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Lead Guest Editor, Theme Issue “Marine regime shifts around the globe: theory, drivers and impacts”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2015.
- Keynote Speaker, 50th European Marine Biology Symposium, Helgoland, Germany, 21-25 September 2015.
- Marie Curie experienced Fellow, SAHFOS, Plymouth, UK, 2012-2014.
- Branch Director, National Research Council (CNR), ISMAR, Branch of Coastal and Lagoon Ecosystems, Lesina, Italy, 2003–2005.
- Dean John Knauss Sea Grant Marine Policy Fellow, National Science Foundation (NSF) USA, 1992.
- Fulbright Scholar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1985.
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Scienze Marine Sede di Lerici
Forte S.Teresa 19032, Pozzuolo di Lerici - Lerici (SP), Italy
Phone +39 0187 1788915
Lavoro da più di 20 anni sugli impatti del cambiamento climatico sul biota marino (in particolare zooplancton), e sulle connessioni interdisciplinari fra oceanografia biologica, fisica e climatologia. In particolare la mia ricerca riguarda analisi retrospettive a scala decennale e la relazione tra oscillazioni climatiche e variabilità zooplanctonica. Ultimamente il mio lavoro si è indirizzato su regime shifts marini. Questi cambiamenti non-lineari interessano l’intero ecosistema e spesso ne modificano i servizi, con significative ripercussioni economiche e sociali. Si ipotizza che questi fenomeni aumenteranno in frequenza e intensità a causa del riscaldamento globale in atto, per cui c’è necessità di prevederli e di studiare strategie di adattamento. Sono attualmente interessata a collegare questi fenomeni a livello ecologico e sociale, e a politiche di gestione marina. Altri interessi includono gestione costiera, relazioni socio-ecologiche, politiche in ambito marino.
- Co-Chair, Ocean Science Meeting 2020, 16–21 February 2020, San Diego, CA, USA,,
- Vice-Chair, 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Associazioni Professionali: Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA); American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO); Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia (AIOL).
- Expert Reviewer for IPCC: IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR1.5), 2017. Synthesis Report of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), 2014.
- Progetti (selezione): SYNRESH (Synchronous Marine Regime Shifts), 2012-2014. BIOFUN (BIOdiversity and ecosystem FUNctioning in contrasting southern European deep-sea environments: from viruses to megafauna), 2007-2010. VECTOR (Vulnerability of coasts and marine ecosystems to climate change, and their role in Mediterranean carbon cycles), 2006-2010. SINAPSI (Seasonal, INterannual and decAdal variability of the atmosPhere, oceanS and related marIne ecosystems), 2003-04. U.S. GLOBEC: North Atlantic intercomparisons of interannual patterns in zooplankton species, in relation to climatic changes, 1996 – 2000.
- Ha servito in due Panel di Area del Comitato di Indirizzo per la Valutazione della Ricerca (CIVR) per l’esercizio di Valutazione Triennale della Ricerca (VTR 2001-2003)
- Ha servito come valutatore in panels per l’European Science Foundation e per la Comunità Europea.
- Ha servito/serve come project reviewer per la National Science Foundation (USA), il National Oceanographic Partnership Program (USA), l’INTAS, International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New Independent Stat States of the former Soviet Union (EU).
- Responsabile di Sezione, CNR-ISMAR-Lesina, 2003-2005.
- Membro dell’Editorial Board di Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 2009-2015. Membro dell’Editorial Board di Progress in Aqua Farming and Marine Biology, dal 2020
- Tutor di tesi di Laurea specialistica per l’Università di Milano e per l'Università di Genova.
- Tutor di tesi di Master of Research e Master of Science per l'Università di Plymouth, UK.
- Tutor di tesi di Dottorato/PhD per l’Università di Ancona, e per l'Università di Plymouth, UK
- Diffusione, Educazione e Ocean Literacy: Progetto “Mare Pulito” con le scuole medie e Legambiente [AC1] , 2018.
Beaugrand, Conversi, Atkinson, et al 2019. Prediction of unprecedented biological shifts in the global ocean, Nature Climate Change Nature Climate Change 9: 237–243. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-019-0420-1
Press Releases related to the article by Beaugrand, Conversi et al (2019):
- Interview SKY TG24 08/06/2019,
Luca Stirnimann, Alessandra Conversi, Simone Marini, 2019. Detection of regime shifts in the environment: testing “STARS” using synthetic and observed time series, ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz148,
Corgnati, L.; Marini, S.; Mazzei, L.; Ottaviani, E.; Aliani, S.; Conversi, A.; Griffa, A. Looking inside the Ocean: Toward an Autonomous Imaging System for Monitoring Gelatinous Zooplankton. Sensors 2016, 16, 2124. Open access:
Papworth DJ, Marini S, Conversi A (2016). A Novel, Unbiased Analysis Approach for Investigating Population Dynamics: A Case Study on Calanus finmarchicus and Its Decline in the North Sea. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158230. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158230. Open access:
Press Releases related to the article by Papworth DJ, Marini S, Conversi A (2016):
- CNR,
- SIR,
Möllmann C, C. Folke, M. Edwards, and A Conversi, 2015. Marine regime shifts around the globe: theory, drivers, and impacts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 370: 20130260. Theme Issue Marine regime shifts around the globe: theory, drivers, and impacts, edited by A. Conversi, C. Möllmann, C. Folke and M. Edwards, ISSN 0962-8436. Open access:
Beaugrand G, A. Conversi, S. Chiba, M. Edwards, e al, 2015. Synchronous marine pelagic regime shifts in the Northern Hemisphere. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 370: 20130272. Theme Issue Marine regime shifts around the globe: theory, drivers, and impacts, edited by A. Conversi, C. Möllmann, C. Folke and M. Edwards, ISSN 0962-8436,
Conversi A, V Dakos, A Gårdmark, et al S Ling, C Folke, P Mumby, C Greene, M Edwards, T Blenckner, M Casini, A Pershing, C Möllmann, 2015. A holistic view of marine regime shifts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 370: 20130279. Theme Issue Marine regime shifts around the globe: theory, drivers, and impacts, edited by A. Conversi, C. Möllmann, C. Folke and M. Edwards, ISSN 0962-8436,
Press Releases related to the works by Conversi and co-authors in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2015), Theme Issue - Marine regime shifts around the globe: theory, drivers, and impacts:
- CNR,
Wall-Palmer, D., C.W. Smart, M.B. Hart, M.J. Leng. A. Conversi, et al., 2014. Late Pleistocene pteropods, heteropods and planktonic foraminifera from the Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. Micropaleontology 60(6): 557-578.
Baldrighi E, Lavaleye M, Aliani S, Conversi A, Manini E, 2014. Large Spatial Scale Variability in Bathyal Macrobenthos Abundance, Biomass, a- and b- Diversity along the Mediterranean Continental Margin. PLoS ONE 9(9): e107261. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0107261. Open access:
Greene CH , E Meyer-Gutbrod, BC Monger, LP McGarry, AJ Pershing, IM Belkin, PS Fratantoni, DG Mountain, RS Pickart, A Proshutinsky, R Ji, JJ Bisagni, SMA Hakkinen, DB Haidvogel, J Wang, E Head, P Smith, PC Reid, A Conversi (2013). Remote climate forcing of decadal-scale regime shifts in Northwest Atlantic shelf ecosystems. Limnol. Oceanogr 58(3), 803-816, DOI: 10.4319/lo.2013.58.3.0803
Mackas, D.L, W. Greve, M. Edwards, S. Chiba, K. Tadokoro, D. Eloire, M.G. Mazzocchi, S. Batten, A.J. Richardson, C. Johnson, E. Head, A. Conversi, T. Peluso, (2012). Changing zooplankton seasonality in a changing ocean: Comparing time series of zooplankton phenology, Progress in Oceanography 97-100: 31-62. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2011.11.005
Berline, L., Siokou-Frangou, I., Marasović, I., Vidjak, O., Puelles, M.L.F., Mazzocchi, M.G., Assimakopoulou, G., Zervoudaki, S., Umani, S.F., Conversi, A., Garcia-Comas, C., Ibanez, F., Gasparini, S., Stemmann, L., Gorsky, G. (2012). Intercomparison of six Mediterranean zooplankton time series, Progress in Oceanography 97-100: 76-91. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2011.11.011
Rees, S., Fletcher, S., Glegg, G., Marshall, C., Rodwell, L., Jefferson, R., Campbell, M., Langmead, O., Ashley, M., Bloomfield, H., Brutto, D., Colenutt, A., Conversi, A., Earll, B., Hamid, I. A., Hattam, C., Ingram, S., McKinley, E., Mee, L., Oates, J., Peckett, F., Portus, J., Reed, M., Rogers, S., Saunders, J., Scales, K. & Wynn, R., 2013. Priority questions to shape the marine and coastal policy research agenda in the United Kingdom. Marine Policy 38: 531?537.
Greene CH, BC Monger, LP McGarry, MD Connelly, NR Schnepf, AJ Pershing, IM Belkin, PS Fratantoni, DG Mountain, RS Pickart, A Proshutinsky, R Ji, JJ Bisagni, C Chen, SMA Hakkinen, DB Haidvogel, J Wang, E Head, P Smith, A Conversi (MERCINA Working Group), 2012. Recent Arctic Climate Change and its Remote Forcing of Northwest Atlantic Shelf Ecosystems. Oceanography 25(3):208?213,
Socal G, F. Acri, M. Bastianini, F. Bernardi Aubry, F. Bianchi, E. Camatti, A. Conversi, A. De Lazzari, A. Pugnetti, 2011. “The study and the impact of plankton communities over the northern Adriatic pelagic ecosystem”. in: Marine Research at CNR. Edited by E. Brugnoli, G Cavarretta, S. Mazzola, F. Trincardi, M. Ravaioli, R. Santoleri. Vol. DTA/06-2011, pp. 141-151.
Pugnetti A, M. Bastianini, F. Bernardi Aubry, E. Camatti, A. Conversi, G. Socal and M. Ravaioli, 2011. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) in the marine coastal environment: basic concepts and keystones from the plankton communities. in: Marine Research at CNR. Edited by E. Brugnoli, G Cavarretta, S. Mazzola, F. Trincardi, M. Ravaioli, R. Santoleri. Vol. DTA/06-2011, pp. 903-913.
Moellmann C, A Conversi and M Edwards (2011). "Comparative analysis of European wide marine ecosystem shifts: a large-scale approach for developing the basis for ecosystem-based management". Biol. Lett. 00, 1–3, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2010.1213. (January 26, 2011).
Conversi A, S. Fonda-Umani, T. Peluso, J. C. Molinero, A. Santojanni, M. Edwards (2010). “The Mediterranean Sea Regime shift at the end of the 1980s, and intriguing parallelisms with other European basins”. PLoS ONE 5(5): e10633. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010633.
- L’articolo “The Mediterranean Sea Regime shift at the end of the 1980s, and intriguing parallelisms with other European basins”, pubblicato da Conversi et al (2010) su PLoS ONE 5(5): e10633. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010633 , e’ stato uno dei 220 articoli selezionati fra i 14,000+ lavori scientifici del CNR relativi al biennio 2009-2010 per pubblicazione su Highlights CNR 2009-2010 ( (p. 50).
- L'articolo è stato valutato dal Faculty of 1000 Biology: Must Read, F1000 Factor 6.0; valutazione per Conversi A. et al PLoS One 2010 5 (5): e10633.
- Il lavoro e' stato descritto nell'Almanacco della Scienza del CNR, "Regime shift per studiare gli ecosistemi marini", di Silvia Mattoni, Almanacco della Scienza del CNR N.4, 2 marzo 2011.
Reid, P., U Bathmann, SD. Batten, RE Brainard, PH Burkill, F Carlotti, S Chiba, A. Conversi et al (2010). “A global Continuous Plankton Recorder programme” in Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306. OceanObs’09 Community White Paper. Download
Conversi A., T. Peluso, S. Fonda-Umani (2009) “The Gulf of Trieste: a changing ecosystem”. J.Geophys. Res., 114, C03S90, doi:10.1029/2008JC004763.
Fonda Umani S., e A. Conversi, (2008). "Possible climate impacts on the northern Adriatic pelagic ecosystem". In: Climate warming and changes in Mediterranean marine biogeography. CIESM Workshop Series 35: 59-64.
Greene C., A. Pershing, A. Conversi et al. (2003). “Trans-Atlantic responses of Calanus finmarchicus populations to basin-scale forcing associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation”. Progress in Oceanography, 58 (2-4): 301-312.
Drinkwater K., A. Belgrano, A. Borja, A. Conversi, C. Greene, G. Ottersen, A. Pershing (2003). “The response of marine ecosystems to climate variability associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation”. In: The North Atlantic Oscillation: climatic significance and environmental impact, edited by J. Hurrell, Y. Kushnir, G. Ottersen, and M. Visbeck, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC, Geophysical Monograph Series, Vol. 134, pp. 211-234.
Ibanez F. and A. Conversi (2002). “Prediction of missing values and detection of ‘exceptional events:’ a single algorithm”. Ecological Modelling, 154:9-23.
Licandro P., A. Conversi, F. Ibanez and J. Jossi (2001). “Time series analysis of interrupted long-term data set (1961-1991) of zooplankton abundance in the Gulf of Maine (northern Atlantic, USA)”. Oceanologica Acta, 24 (5): 453-466.
Conversi A., S. Piontkovski and S. Hameed (2001). “Seasonal and interannual dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus in the Gulf of Maine (Northeastern US shelf) with reference to the North Atlantic Oscillation”. Deep Sea Research, 48 (1-3): 519-539.