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Grande Valentina

Grande Valentina

Technologist at the Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR) – National Research Council (CNR) based in Bologna (July 2020 - today)

Technician at the Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR) – National Research Council (CNR) based in Bologna
(March 2018-July 2020)

Assegnista di Ricerca at the Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR) – National Research Council (CNR) based in Bologna
(2014 - 2018)

Master’s degree in Environmental Impact Assessment
(2011 – Università del Salento)

Bachelor’s degree in Environmental sciences
(2008 – Università del Salento)

Institute of Marine Sciences - National Research Council (CNR), Via Gobetti 101, 40129, Bologna

Phone +39 051 6398875

  • GIS science
  • Data management
  • Technological development
  • Habitat mapping

Data management and GIS science

Design and implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructure for managing marine interdisciplinary data: geoportals, metadata catalogues, utilities management, data access, etc. I work with workflows and Research Objects to make Earth Science products FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). As GIS manager, I take care of the data and metadata in the Institute of Marine Science (Bologna). My focus is on EU Directive (e.g. INSPIRE Directive, Marine Strategy Framework Directive) and standards (e.g. OGC standards, ISO). As GIS expert, I work to the technical part of research products, such as cartography.

Habitat mapping

Benthic habitat mapping in coastal, shallow and deep environments at different levels, from expert opinion to habitat suitability. I worked to a classification scheme for benthic habitat mapping in GIS environment and I implemented a geodatabase storing and integrating all spatial data coming from sampling and interpretation.

Field activities

Data manager and responsible of geophysical data acquisition in oceanographic cruises, dealing with different devices (Single beam, Side Scan Sonar, Multibeam), platforms (research vessels) and targets (exploration, mapping, monitoring). In this context, I support also ROV explorations and biological/geological sampling.



Madricardo, F., Foglini F., Campiani E., Grande V., Catenacci E., Petrizzo A., Kruss A., Toso C., Trincardi T., 2019. “Assessing the human footprint on the sea-floor of coastal systems: the case of the Venice Lagoon, Italy”. Sci Rep 9:6615.


Garcia-Silva A., Gómez-Pérez J.M., Palma R., Krystek M., Mantovani S., Foglini F., Grande V., De Leo F., Salvi S, Trasatti E., Romaniello V., Albani M., Silvagni C., Leone R., Marelli F., Albani S., Lazzarini M., Napier H.J., Glaves H.M., Aldridge T., Meertens C., Boler F., Loescher H.W., Laney C., Genazzio M.A., Crawl D., Altintas I., 2019. “Enabling FAIR research in Earth Science through research objects”. Futur. Gener. Comp. Syst. 98: 550-564.


Foglini, F., Grande, V., Marchese, F., Bracchi, V.A., Prampolini, M., Angeletti, L., Castellan, G., Chimienti, G., Hansen, I.M., Gudmundsen, M., Meroni, A.N., Mercorella, A., Vertino, A., Badalamenti, F., Corselli, C., Erdal, I., Martorelli, E., Savini, A., Taviani, M., 2019. “Application of Hyperspectral Imaging to Underwater Habitat Mapping, Southern Adriatic Sea”. Sensors 19, 2261.


Madricardo, F., Foglini F., Kruss A., Ferrarin C., Pizzeghello N. M., Murri C., Rossi M., Bajo M.,  Bellafiore D., Campiani E., Fogarin S., Grande V., Janowski L., Keppel E., Leidi E., Lorenzetti G.,  Maicu F., Maselli V., Mercorella V., Montereale Gavazzi G., Minuzzo T., Pellegrini C., Petrizzo A., Prampolini M., Remia A., Rizzetto F., Rovere M., Sarretta A., Sigovini M., Sinapi M., Umgiesser G., Trincardi T., 2017. “High resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic datasets of tidal channels and inlets of the Venice Lagoon”. Sci. Data 4:170121.

Link: (paper), (dati)



Angeletti L., Prampolini M., Foglini F., Grande V., Taviani M., 2019 (accettato). “Tricase Submarine Canyon: cold-water coral habitats in the south-westernmost Apulian margin (Mediterranean Sea)”. In: Harris P. T. and Baker E.D. (Eds.) “Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats” - 2nd Edition. Elsevier. [Capitolo di libro]

Prampolini M., Angeletti L., Grande V., Taviani M., Foglini F., 2019 (accettato). “Cold-water coral habitat in the Bari Canyon System, Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)”. In: Harris P. T. and Baker E.D. (Eds.) “Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats” - 2nd Edition. Elsevier. [Capitolo di libro]

Angeletti L., Bargain A., Foglini F., Grande V., Prampolini M., Taviani M., 2019 (in stampa). “Cold-water coral multiscale habitat mapping: methodologies and perspectives”. In: Orejas C, Jimenez C (eds.) “Past, Present and Future of Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals” vol. 9 pp.1-862. Springer International Publishing. [Capitolo di libro]


Foglini F., Angeletti L., Bracchi V.A., Chimienti G., Grande V., Hansen I.M., Meroni A.N., Marchese F., Mercorella A., Prampolini M., Taviani M., Vertino A., Badalamenti F., Corselli C., Erdal I., Martorelli E., Savini A., 2018. “Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging for seafloor and benthic habitat mapping”. Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (pp. 201-205).


Grande V., Castellan G., De Leo F., Foglini F., Ferraresi S., Gomez J. M., Mantovani S., Marelli F., Palma R., 2018. "The EVER-EST Virtual Research Environment (VRE): outcomes and solutions for Earth Science". Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata - VOL. 59 – Supplement 1, 2018 (pp 102-103). [Proceeding]


Grande V., Foglini F., De Leo., Fraschetti S., 2018. "A fine scale spatial infrastructure for implementing networks of Marine Protected Areas: the AMAre Geoportal, 2018. Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata - VOL. 59 – Supplement 1, 2018 (pp 177-178). [Proceeding]


Foglini F., Chimienti G., Meroni, A. N., Angeletti L., Grande V., Marchese F., Bracchi V., Hansen I. M., Mercorella A., Prampolini M., Badalamenti F., Martorelli E., Taviani M., Corselli C., Ravini A., Erdal I., 2018. "Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging for seafloor and benthic habitat mapping," 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea), Bari, Italy, 2018, pp. 201-205. DOI: 10.1109/MetroSea.2018.8657866


Foglini F., Grande V., De Leo F., Mantovani S., Ferraresi S., 2017. “The EVER-EST portal as support for the Sea monitoring Virtual Research Community (VRC), through the sharing of resources, enabling dynamic collaboration and promoting community engagement”. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-12727, 2017. [Open-access abstract]


Correggiari A., Remia A., Grande V., 2017. "Ricerca e gestione dei giacimenti costieri". ECOSCIENZA Numero 3 • Anno 2017 pp 90-91. [Articolo su rivista]


Correggiari A., Perini L., Remia A., Luciani P., Foglini F., Grande V., Moscon G., Lorenzo Calabrese L., Lorito S., 2016. “Sistema Informativo per l’utilizzo della risorsa sabbia offshore nei progetti di protezione costiera: geodatabase in_Sand”. Pubblicazione a cura del Servizio Geologico, Sismico e dei Suoli – Regione Emilia-Romagna. [Libro]


Boero F., Foglini F., Fraschetti S., Goriup P., Macpherson E., Planes S., Soukissian T. and The CoCoNet Consortium, 2016. "CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential". SCIRES-IT (SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology) Vol 6, Supplement 2016, pp 1-95.


Grande V., Proietti R., Foglini F., Remia A., Correggiari A., Paganelli D., Targusi M., Franceschini G., La Valle P., Berducci M.T., La Porta B., Lattanzi L., Lisi I., Maggi C., Loia M., Pazzini A., Gabellini M., Nicoletti L., 2015. "Sistema Informativo per il monitoraggio ambientale della risorsa sabbia offshore nei progetti di protezione costiera: geodatabase env_Sand". ISPRA, Manuali e Linee guida, 127/2015: 64 pp. [Volume]


Grande V., Foglini F., Kruglov A., Leposhkin O., Lisovskyi R., Neprokin O., 2016. "The CoCoNet solution for management and access heterogenous marine datasets and metadata". Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata - VOL. 57 – Supplement 2016 (pp 135-136). [Proceeding]




Foglini F., De Leo F., Gómez J.M., Grande V., Leone R.  and Marelli F., 2016. "A user-centric approach to validate the EVER-EST Virtual Research Environment infrastructure for the Earth Science". Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata - VOL. 57 – Supplement 2016 (pp 70-72). [Proceeding]


Foglini F., Angeletti, L., Campiani E., Grande V., Leidi E., Mercorella A., Taviani M., 2015. "A new classification approach of the marine habitats in the framework of the EU CoCoNet project". The IGCP 610 Proceedings Volume, Ed. A. Gilbert, V. Yanko-Hombach, T.Yanina, Moscow, MSU, 2015 (pp 77-80).  [Proceeding]


Grande V., Foglini F., Lisi F., De Leo F. Chassanite A., Neprokin O., Lisovsky R., 2013. "COCONET PROJECT (Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas), the architecture of a common Geodatabase for Marine Data Management and synthesis" Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata - VOL. 54 – Supplement (pp. 96-98). [Proceeding]



Metadata catalogues:;jsessionid=C9F7BC67DCA65A9687E608C3FB23508B#/home


Research Objects:


WebGIS: (Progetto IDEM) (Progetto Ritmare) (Progetto AMAre) (Progetto CoCoNet)


web pages: (Progetto AMAre) (Progetto CoCoNet)

Document Actions