Matano Fabio
Fabio Matano is a senior geologist, and researcher at the Italian National Research Council (CNR).
He has been involved in research activity since 1990 at CNR, University of Naples “Federico II”, University of Sannio, University of Salerno, and University of Calabria, and is currently working at the CNR-Institute for Marine Science (ISMAR) of Naples since 2012.
His research interests cross a wide range of geological sub-disciplines, such as geological mapping, stratigraphy, landslide hazards, geomorphology, coastal studies, remote sensing and GIS. He authored 120 scientific papers on peer reviewed international journals, conference proceedings and books and several geological maps and databases. He is reviewer for international scientific journals, review editor for Frontiers in Earth Science journal, and guest editor for the Journal of Coastal Conservation and the Remote Sensing journals. Since academic year 2020-21, he is member of the Academic Board of PhD Course “Scienze e Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, delle Costruzioni e dell' Energia” at the Calabria University.
He has participated both as working group leader and member of several national research projects (for example PON MONICA 2011-2014 “MONitoraggio Innovativo per le Coste e l'Ambiente marino”; PRIN 2015 PERICLES - Protecting the Cultural Heritage from water-soil interaction related threats; MATTM PON ATAS QCS 2000-2006 PODIS project, etc.). He has worked at the national project of geological cartography (CARG at ISPRA), and the Landslide Risk and Hazard Plan (PSAI) for Campanian Basin authorities, and some Remote Sensing and urban geology projects for Environment Ministry and Campania Region (TELLUS, GECAI, SLAM).
He is member of the Italian Association of Geomorphologist (AIGEO) in the Coastal Morphodynamics section.
Tel. +39-081-5423834