Raicich Fabio
Senior Scientist, Laurea in Physics 1984, University of Trieste
CNR - Istituto di Scienze Marine
Area Science Park - Basovizza - Edificio Q2
Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5
I-34149 Trieste - Italy
Phone +39 040 375 6875
Atmosphere-sea interactions: Variability of mean sea level and of frequency and intensity of sea level extreme events, in connection with the atmospheric forcing (pressure and wind), at time scales from daily to secular. The main area of interest is the Mediterranean Sea, particularly the Adriatic Sea. Climate variability: Analysis of historical data of Mediterranean atmospheric and marine variables, both from observations and documental sources. Teleconnections between such parameters and key global patterns. Operational oceanography: Assessment of sampling strategies of marine variables, such as temperature and salinity, at Mediterranean scale, as a function of the time and spatial distibution of the observations.
National Contact in JCOMM/GLOSS and responsible of the GLOSS station 340 (Trieste-Molo Sartorio).
Member of the scientific board of the National Group for Operational Oceanography.
Substitute delegate for ISMAR in the Mediterranean Ocean Observing Network.
Co-ordinator of Workpackage “Observing System Simulation Experiments” in CE project MFSTEP (2003-2006)
Responsible scientist in 3 CE projects, 1 international cooperation project and 2 national projects.
Co-advisor on 2 laurea thesis at the University of Bologna.
He wrote over 40 papers in refereed journals (more than 30 of which on ISI journals) and as refereed book chapters. Over 500 citations on ISI web of science.
Gomis, D., Tsimplis, M., Marcos, M., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Pérez, B., Raicich, F., Vilibić, I., Wöppelmann, G., and Monserrat, S., 2011: “The Mediterranean Sea Level”. Chapter 4 of “Mediterranean climate: from past to future”, P. Lionello, Ed., Elsevier (in press).
Lionello, P., Cavaleri, L., Nissen, K., Pino, C., Raicich, F., and Ulbrich, U., 2010: “Severe marine storms in the Northern Adriatic: characteristics and trends”. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2010.10.002.
Raicich, F., 2010: “On the contributions of atmospheric pressure and wind to daily sea level changes in the northern Adriatic Sea”. Continental Shelf Research, 30, 1575-1581.
Zerbini, S., Raicich, F., Richter, B., and Gorini, V., 2010: “Hydrological Signals in Height and Gravity in Northeastern Italy inferred from Principal Components Analysis”. Journal of Geodynamics, 49, 190-204.
Tsimplis, M.N., Raicich, F., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Shaw, A.G.P., Marcos, M., Somot, S., and Bergamasco, A., 2009: “Recent developments in understanding sea level rise at the Adriatic coasts”. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2009.11.007.
Tsimplis, M.N., Marcos, M., Pérez, B., Challenor, P., García Fernandez, M.-J., and Raicich, F., 2009: “On the effect of the sampling frequency of sea level measurements on return period estimate of extremes - Southern European examples”. Continental Shelf Research, 29, 2214-2221.
Artale, V., Rupolo, V., Raicich, F., Marullo, S., Calmanti, S., Sannino, G., and Fusco, G., 2009: “Variabilità, trend e cambiamenti climatici delle masse d’acqua del Mar Mediterraneo nel XX secolo”. Chapter 11 of “I cambiamenti climatici in Italia: evidenze, vulnerabilità e impatti”, 359-399, S. Castellari and V. Artale, Eds., Bononia University Press, Bologna, Italy, 590 pp.
Raicich, F., 2008: “A review of sea level observations and low frequency sea level variability in South Atlantic”. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 33, 239-249.
Raicich, F., 2008: “Some features of Trieste climate from an eighteenth century diary (1732-1749)”. Climatic Change, 86, 211-226.
Raicich, F., 2007: “A study of early Trieste sea level data (1875-1914)”. Journal of Coastal Research, 23, 1067-1073.
Griffa, A., Molcard, A., Raicich, F., and Rupolo, V., 2006: “Assessment of the impact of TS assimilation from Argo floats in the Mediterranean Sea”. Ocean Science, 2, 237-248.
Raicich, F., 2006: “The assessment of temperature and salinity sampling strategies in the Mediterranean Sea: idealized and real cases”, Ocean Science, 2, 97-112.
Beretta, A. Roman, H.E., Raicich, F., and F. Crisciani, F., 2005: “Long-time correlations of sea-level and local atmospheric pressure fluctuations at Trieste”, Physica A, 347, 695-703.
Zerbini, S., Matonti, F., Raicich, F., Richter, B., and vanDam, T., 2004: “Observing and assessing non-tidal ocean loading using ocean, continuous GPS and gravity data in the Adriatic area”, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L23609.
Raicich, F., 2003: “Recent evolution of sea-level extremes in the North Adriatic”, Continental Shelf Research, 23, 225-235.
Raicich, F., Pinardi, N., and Navarra, A., 2003: “Teleconnections between Indian Monsoon and Sahel precipitation and the Mediterranean”, International Journal of Climatology, 23, 173-186.
Zavatarelli, M., Raicich, F., Bregant, D., Russo, A., and Artegiani, A., 1998: “Climatological biogeochemical characteristics of the Adriatic Sea”, Journal of Marine Systems, 18, 227-263.
Artegiani, A., Bregant, D., Paschini, E., Pinardi, N., Raicich, F., and Russo, A., 1997: “The Adriatic Sea general circulation. Part I: air-sea interactions and water mass structure”, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27, 1492-1514. Part II: baroclinic circulation structure”, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27, 1515-1532.