Romano Stefania
Research Scientist
MA in Environmental Sciences, 2002, University of Bologna
PhD in Evolutionistic Biology, 2007, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Institute of Marine Science - National Research Council
ISMAR-CNR, via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy
Phone +39 051 6398919
MA in Environmental Sciences (2002); PhD in Evolutionistic Biology (2007) with the ecotoxicological approach at the transfer of metals through bioaccumulation and bioavailability. Research scientist at the National Research Council since 2010. She currently work on biogeochemistry and geophysical study of coastal environment, focus on the study of: 1) Description of environmental mechanisms through a multi proxy approach in order to investigate and evaluate of key variables; 2) contamination history and pollution.
- 2009 post-doc visitor at School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, NY with Prof. J. Kirk Cochran e N. Fischer. Her research focused on laboratory experiments measuring the uptake and loss of an isotope of protactinium (233Pa) in marine diatoms. The goal will be to understand the geochemical behavior of Pa and Th in marine phytoplankton- from uptake by living cells to possible release as the cells die and sink through the water column.
- 2007-2008 Component of technical-scientific committee and collaboration with the project partners in the NP INTERREG IIIA-OASIS for Scale Fishing in central and south Adriatic Sea within the topic “Improving quality and protection of the marine environment”.
- She worked in projects: i) Program GNDT "Assessment of Danger from Submarine Geological Processes in Italian Seas: Earthquakes, Landslides and Tsunamis; ii) Projects on pollution in national interesting sites; iii) study transition environments in developing countries; vii) OASIS Project (INTERREG IIIA); viii) Research Program CORILA 2003-2006 (research line 3.8)
She participated in the writing of several scientific papers (at the present 3 in preparation 2 as first author) and in international/national press (non-JCR international journals, national publications, abstract and posters).
An updated list of recent papers is available, when permitted, in open access
- Mugnai C., Bertolotto R.M., Gaino F., Tiberiade C., Bellucci L.G., Giuliani S., Romano S., Frignani M., Albertazzi S., Galazzo D. (2009). History and Trends of Sediment Contamination by Heavy Metals within and close to a Marine Area of National Interest: the Ligurian Sea off Cogoleto-Stoppani (Genoa, Italy). Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. Doi: 10.1007/s11270-009-0281-8.
- Piazza R., El Moumni B., Bellucci L.G., Frignani M., Vecchiato M., Giuliani S., Romano S., Zangrando R., Gambaro A. (2009). Polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments of selected coastal environments in northern Morocco. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58: 431-438.
- Giuliani S, Sprovieri M, Frignani M, Cu N.H, Mugnai C, Bellucci L.G, Albertazzi S, Romano S., Feo M.L, Marsella E, Nhon D.H. (2008). Presence and origin of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in nine coastal lagoons of central Vietnam. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 56: 1504-1512.
- Frignani M., Piazza R., Bellucci L.G., Cu N.H., Zangrando R., Albertazzi S., Moret I., Romano S., Gambaro A. (2007). Polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments of the Tam Giang-Cau Hai Lagoon, Central Vietnam. Chemosphere 67: 1786–1793
- Nesto N., Romano S., Moschino V., Mauri M., Da Ros L. (2007). The integrated use of chemical analysis and biomarkers in mussels and fish for monitoring trace pollutants in the lagoon of Venice, Italy. Marine Pollution Bulletin 55: 469–484.
- Romano S., Bellucci L.G., Giuliani S., Frignani M., Cu N.H., Nhon D.H. (2007). General sedimentological characteristics the Tam Giang-Cau Hai Lagoon (central Vietnam). Journal of Marine Science and Tecnology, Hanoi, 1: 63-72.
- Romano S. and Frignani M., (2008). Miglioramento e tutela della qualità dell’ambiente marino. NPPA Interreg – Cards/Phare “O.A.S.I.S.” cod. 112. I quaderni di OASIS, Ed. a cura della Provincia di Teramo – Servizio Politiche Comunitarie. 12: 3-49.
- Romano S., Marcheselli M., Mauri M. (2008). Evaluation of polychaetes Perinereis cultrifera (Grube, 1840), as indicators of heavy metal variability in sediment. In Campostrini P. (ed.), “Scientific Research and Safeguarding of Venice 2007”, Corila Publication, 6: 179-190