Atlas of the Venice Lagoon
The Atlas of the lagoon is a web portal which allows access to environmental geographical data about the lagoon of Venice produced by a multitude of public bodies.
Purpose of application
The Atlas of the lagoon is a web portal which allows access to environmental geographical data about the lagoon of Venice produced by a multitude of public bodies.
Geographic extent
Although the lagoon is the area of main interest for the Atlas, environmental data relative to its catchments basin and coastal waters are also included.
Target audience
The key objective of the Atlas is to bring together and organise the information held by separate data producer bodies, so that a variety of users (citizens, professionals, and various institutions) could refer to a single, shared information base.
Data included (general categories)
Number of data sets: approximately two hundreds (every month new datasets are added, especially through WMS protocols).
Information on:
- Base Maps e.g.: main morphological elements, imageries from several years, national and regional topography;
- Biosphere e.g.: habitat of the lagoon, coastal vegetation and habitats, distribution of seagrasses in the lagoon of Venice, fish farms, survey of ecological status of small islands, diffusion of invasive macroalgae;
- Atmosphere climate (maps of air temperature, rainfall and winds in the lagoon and its catchment areas)
- Hydrosphere e.g.: tides and waves; model of temperature, salinity of the lagoon of Venice
- Lithosphere e.g. depth of the lagoon in the years, sedimentology, etc.
- Protected areas (Natura 2000 areas, RAMSAR, IBA, etc.); boat speed limits
- Anthroposphere nature and historic routes, historical military fortifications, public transport lines in the lagoon; pollutant emissions from major industrial plants (from the EEA database EPRTR)
- Special projects georeferenced photographs taken by astronauts from the International
- Space Station; maps of biogenic reefs off the coast of Venice; morphological evolution of the Lagoon.
Book Review J.D. Stanley su Journal of Coastal Research