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Pasda, K., López Correa, M., Stojakowits, P., Häck, B., Prieto, J., al-Fudhaili, N., and Mayr, C    BO
Cave finds indicate elk (Alces alces) hunting during the Late Iron Age in the Bavarian Alps,
E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 69, 187–200,, 2020.

Howell, KL; Hilario, A; Allcock, AL; Bailey, D; Baker, M; Clark, MR; Colaco, A; Copley, J; Cordes, EE; Danovaro, R; Dissanayake, A; Escobar, E; Esquete, P; Gallagher, AJ; Gates, AR; Gaudron, SM; German, CR; Gjerde, KM; Higgs, ND; Le Bris, N; Levin, LA; Manea, E; McClain, C; Menot, L; Mestre, NC; Metaxas, A; Milligan, R; Muthumbi, AWN; Narayanaswamy, BE; Ramalho, SP; Ramirez-Llodra, E; Robson, LM; Rogers, AD; Sellanes, J; Sigwart, JD; Sink, K; Snelgrove, PVR; Stefanoudis, PV; Sumida, PY; Taylor, ML; Thurber, AR; Vieira, R; Watanabe, HK; Woodall, LC; Xavier, JR VE
A decade to study deep-sea life
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION - DOI: 10.1038/s41559-020-01352-5
Early Access: NOV 2020

Cuomo, S; Masi, EB; Tofani, V; Moscariello, M; Rossi, G; Matano, F
Multiseasonal probabilistic slope stability analysis of a large area of unsaturated pyroclastic soils
Early Access OCT 2020

Swingedouw, D; Speranza, CI; Bartsch, A; Durand, G; Jamet, C; Beaugrand, G; Conversi, A, LS
Early Warning from Space for a Few Key Tipping Points in Physical, Biological, and Social-Ecological Systems,
Surveys In Geophysics,

Capotondi, Lucilla; Bonomo, Sergio; Budillon, Giorgio; Giordano, Patrizia; Langone, Leonardo BO
Living and dead benthic foraminiferal distribution in two areas of the Ross Sea (Antarctica)
early access AUG 2020

Bushell, AC; Anstey, JA; Butchart, N; Kawatani, Y; Osprey, SM; Richter, JH; Serva, F; Braesicke, P; Cagnazzo, C; Chen, CC; Chun, HY; Garcia, RR; Gray, LJ; Hamilton, K; Kerzenmacher, T; Kim, YH; Lott, F; McLandress, C; Naoe, H; Scinocca, J; Smith, AK; Stockdale, TN; Versick, S; Watanabe, S; Yoshida, K; Yukimoto, S      RM
Evaluation of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in global climate models for the SPARC QBO-initiative
Early Access: MAR 2020

Raven, JA; Suggett, DJ; Giordano, VE
MInorganic carbon concentrating mechanisms in free-living and symbiotic dinoflagellates and chromerids
Early Access Aug .2020

Addamo A. M.; K. J. Miller; V. Haussermann; M. Taviani; A. Machordom      BO
Global-scale genetic structure of a cosmopolitan cold-water coral species
Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 1052-7613 10.1002/aqc.3421 WOS:000554047500001  Early Access: JUL 2020

Caielli G.; R. de Franco; V. Di Fiore; D. Albarello; S. Catalano; F. Pergalani; G. Cavuoto; M. Cercato; M. Compagnoni; J. Facciorusso; D. Famiani; F. Ferri; S. Imposa; G. Martini; A. Paciello; E. Paolucci; F. Passeri; S. Piscitelli; L. M. Puzzilli; M. Vassallo    NA
Extensive surface geophysical prospecting for seismic microzonation
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 1570-761X 10.1007/s10518-020-00866-4.   Early Access: MAY 2020

Checa H.; G. Margaritelli; L. D. Pena; J. Frigola; I. Cacho; R. Rettori; F. Lirer NA
High resolution paleo-environmental changes during the Sapropel 1 in the North Ionian Sea, central Mediterranean
Early Access: JUL 2020

Holt L. A.; F. Lott; R. R. Garcia; G. N. Kiladis; Y. M. Cheng; J. A. Anstey; P. Braesicke; A. C. Bushell; N. Butchart; C. Cagnazzo; C. C. Chen; H. Y. Chun; Y. Kawatani; T. Kerzenmacher; Y. H. Kim; C. McLandress; H. Naoe; S. Osprey; J. H. Richter; A. A. Scaife; J. Scinocca; F. Serva; S. Versick; S. Watanabe; K. Yoshida; S. Yukimoto RM
An evaluation of tropical waves and wave forcing of the QBO in the QBOi models
Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society    
Early Access: JUL 2020

Marceta T.; V. Matozzo; S. Alban; D. Badocco; P. Pastore; M. G. Marin VE
Do males and females respond differently to ocean acidification? An experimental study with the sea urchinParacentrotus lividus
Environmental Science And Pollution Research
Early Access: JUL 2020

Melet A.; P. Teatini; G. Le Cozannet; C. Jamet; A. Conversi; J. Benveniste; R. Almar    LS
Earth Observations for Monitoring Marine Coastal Hazards and Their Drivers
Surveys in Geophysics
10.1007/s10712-020-09594-5       Early Access: JUN 2020

Portilla-Yandun J.; A. Salazar; J. Sosa; S. Latandret; L. Cavaleri    VE
Modeling multiple wave systems in the eastern equatorial Pacific
10.1007/s10236-020-01370-8   Early Access May 2020

Aiello  G.   NA
New sedimentological and coastal and marine geological data on the Quaternary marine deposits of the Ischia Island (Gulf of Naples, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
Geo-Marine Letters 0276-0460 10.1007/s00367-020-0065.

Amanti M., C. Muraro, M. Roma, V. Chiessi, L. M. Puzzilli, S. Catalano, G. Romagnoli, G. Tortorici, G. Cavuoto, D. Albarello, P. L. Fantozzi, E. Paolucci, P. Pieruccini, P. Caprari, F. Mirabella, M. Della Seta, C. Esposito, D. Di Curzio, M. Francescone, A. Pizzi, L. Macerola, M. Nocentini and M. Tallini     NA
Geological and geotechnical models definition for 3rd level seismic microzonation studies in Central Italy
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering DOI: 10.1007/s10518-020-00843-x      Early Access: APR 2020

Esposito G., F. Matano, M. Sacchi and R. Salvini     NA
Mechanisms and frequency-size statistics of failures characterizing a coastal cliff partially protected from the wave erosive action
Rendiconti Lincei-Scienze Fisiche E Naturali   DOI: 10.1007/s12210-020-00902-0  
Early Access: APR 2020

Aguzzi J., M. M. Flexas, S. Flogel, C. Lo Iacono, M. Tangherlini, C. Costa, S. Marini, N. Bahamon, S. Martini, E. Fanelli, R. Danovaro, S. Stefanni, L. Thomsen, G. Riccobene, M. Hildebrandt, I. Masmitja, J. Del Rio, E. B. Clark, A. Branch, P. Weiss, A. T. Klesh and M. P. Schodlok    LS
Exo-Ocean Exploration with Deep-Sea Sensor and Platform Technologies
Astrobiology  DOI: 10.1089/ast.2019.2129 , 1531-1074, Early Access Apr. 2020

Richter JH., N. Butchart, Y. Kawatani, A. C. Bushell, L. Holt, F. Serva, J. Anstey, I. R. Simpson, S. Osprey, K. Hamilton, P. Braesicke, C. Cagnazzo, C. C. Chen, R. R. Garcia, L. J. Gray, T. Kerzenmacher, F. Lott, C. McLandress, H. Naoe, J. Scinocca, T. N. Stockdale, S. Versick, S. Watanabe, K. Yoshida and S. Yukimoto     RM
Response of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation to a warming climate in global climate models
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Early Access: FEB 2020

Bonaldo D., E. Bucchignani, A. Pomaro, A. Ricchi, M. Sclavo and S. Carniel VE
Wind waves in the Adriatic Sea under a severe climate change scenario and implications for the coasts
International Journal of Climatology, Early Access: FEB 2020

Smith A. K., L. A. Holt, R. R. Garcia, J. A. Anstey, F. Serva, N. Butchart, S. Osprey, A. C. Bushell, Y. Kawatani, Y. H. Kim, F. Lott, P. Braesicke, C. Cagnazzo, C. C. Chen, H. Y. Chun, L. Gray, T. Kerzenmacher, H. Naoe, J. Richter, S. Versick, V. Schenzinger, S. Watanabe and K. Yoshida RM
The equatorial stratospheric semiannual oscillation and time-mean winds in QBOi models
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, DOI: 10.1002/qj.3690, Early access Jan 2020







Sacchi, M; Passaro, S; Molisso, F; Matano, F; Steinmann, L; Spiess, V; Pepe, F; Corradino, M; Caccavale, M; Tamburrino, S; Esposito, G; Vallefuoco, M; Ventura, G     NA
The holocene marine record of unrest, volcanism, and hydrothermal activity of Campi Flegrei and Somma-Vesuvius
In: Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei, and Campanian Volcanism,  Edited by DeVivo, B Belkin, HE Rolandi, G
435-469  2020

Milia, A; Torrente, MM    NA
Space-time evolution of an active volcanic field in an extentional region: the example of the Campania margin (eastern Tyrrhenian Sea)
In: Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei, and Campanian Volcanism,  Edited by DeVivo, B Belkin, HE Rolandi, G
297-321  2020

Lurcock, P; Florindo, F; Bonomo, S; Cascella, A; Di Rita, F; Ferraro, L; Insinga, DD; Magri, D; Margaritelli, G; Pelosi, N; Petrosino, P; Vallefuoco, M; Cosentino, C; Lirer, F NA
A 4500 year record of palaeomagnetic secular variation and relative palaeointensity from the Tyrrhenian Sea
GEOMAGNETIC FIELD VARIATIONS IN THE PAST: NEW DATA, APPLICATIONS AND RECENT ADVANCES Book Series: ‏ Geological Society Special Publication 497 159-178 2020

Delogu, G; Farella, G VE
Redesigning Venice between port development and lagoon protection: a long-term question

Oberosler, V; Tenan, S; Rovuuo, F VE
Spatial and temporal patterns of human avoidance by brown bears in a reintroduced population

Aguzzi, J; Chatzievangelou, D; Company, JB; Thomsen, L; Marini, S; Bonofiglio, F; Juanes, F; Rountree, R; Berry, A; Chumbinho, R; Lordan, C; Doyle, J; del Rio, J; Navarro, J; De Leo, FC; Bahamon, N; Garcia, JA; Danovaro, PR; Francescangeli, M; Lopez-Vazquez, V; Gaughan, P LS
The potential of video imagery from worldwide cabled observatory networks to provide information supporting fish-stock and biodiversity assessment

Berta, M; Griffa, A; Haza, AC; Horstmann, J; Huntley, HS; Ibrahim, R; Lund, B; Ozgokmen, TM; Poje, AC LS
Submesoscale Kinematic Properties in Summer and Winter Surface Flows in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Menna, M; Cotroneo, Y; Falco, P; Zambianchi, E; Di Lemma, R; Poulain, P-M; Fusco, G; Budillon, G RM
Response of the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean to Wind Stress Variability From 1995 to 2017

Villamor, A; Signorini, LF; Costantini, F; Terzin, M; Abbiati, M BO
Evidence of genetic isolation between two Mediterranean morphotypes of Parazoanthus axinellae
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 1 - 13938 AUG 18 2020

Boissin, E; Neglia, V; Baksay, S; Micu, D; Bat, L; Topaloglu, B; Todorova, V; Panayotova, M; Kruschel, C; Milchakova, N; Voutsinas, E; Beqiraj, S; Nasto, I; Aglieri, G; Taviani, M; Zane, L; Planes, S BO
Chaotic genetic structure and past demographic expansion of the invasive gastropod Tritia neritea in its native range, the Mediterranean Sea
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 1 - 21624 DEC 10 2020

Palano, M; Ursino, A; Spampinato, S; Sparacino, F; Polonia, A; Gasperini, L BO
Crustal deformation, active tectonics and seismic potential in the Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean), along the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 1 - 21238 DEC 4 2020

Antoncecchi, I; Rossi, G; Bevilacqua, M; Cianella, R; Vico, G; Ferrero, S; Catania, F; Pacini, M; Mondelli, N; Rovere, M; Bibuli, M; Vittorini, D; Di Battista, D BO
Research Hub ffor Aa Integrated Green Energy System Reusing Sealines for H-2 Storage and Transport

Merlino, S; Locritani, M; Bernardi, G; Como, C; Legnaioli, S; Palleschi, V; Abbate, M SP
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Chemically Characterized Microplastics within the Protected Area of Pelagos Sanctuary (NW Mediterranean Sea): Focus on Natural and Urban Beaches
WATER 12 12 - 3389 DEC2020

Sammartino, M; Nardelli, BB; Marullo, S; Santoleri, R RM-NA
An Artificial Neural Network to Infer the Mediterranean 3D Chlorophyll-a and Temperature Fields from Remote Sensing Observations
REMOTE SENSING 12 24 - 4123 DEC2020

Pitarch, J A RM
A Review of Secchi's Contribution to Marine Optics and the Foundation of Secchi Disk Science
OCEANOGRAPHY 33 3 26-37 SEP2020





Kissel, AM; Tenan, S; Muths, E
Density Dependence and Adult Survival Drive Dynamics in Two High Elevation Amphibian Populations
DIVERSITY-BASEL 12 12 - 478 DEC 2020

Pucci, M; Bellafiore, D; Zanforlin, S; Rocchio, B; Umgiesser, G VE
Embedding of a Blade-Element Analytical Model into the SHYFEM Marine Circulation Code to Predict the Performance of Cross-Flow Turbines

van den Burg, SWK; Schupp, MF; Depellegrin, D; Barbanti, A; Kerr, S VE
Development of multi-use platforms at sea: Barriers to realising Blue Growth
OCEAN ENGINEERING 217 - 107983 DEC 1 2020

Alberico, I; Iavarone, R; Petrosino, P
A procedure for the resilience mapping in urban systems exposed to natural hazard: The Ischia Island (southern Italy) test area

Pace, B; Valentini, A; Ferranti, L; Vasta, M; Vassallo, M; Montagna, P; Colella, A; Pons-Branchu, E BO
A Large Paleoearthquake in the Central Apennines, Italy, Recorded by the Collapse of a Cave Speleothem
TECTONICS 39 10 - e2020TC006289 OCT 2020

Acri, F; Braga, F; Aubry, FB VE
ong-term dynamics in nutrients, chlorophyll a and water quality parameters in the Lagoon of Venice
SCIENTIA MARINA 84 3 215-225 SEP 2020

Di Roberto, A; Albert, PG; Colizza, E; Del Carlo, P; Di Vincenzo, G; Gallerani, A; Giglio, F; Kuhn, G; Macri, P; Manning, CJ; Melis, R; Miserocchi, S; Scateni, B; Smith, VC; Torricella, F; Winkler, A BO
Evidence for a large-magnitude Holocene eruption of Mount Rittmann (Antarctica): A volcanological reconstruction using the marine tephra record

De Martino, P; Guardato, S; Donnarumma, GP; Dolce, M; Trombetti, T; Chierici, F; Macedonio, G; Beranzoli, L; Iannaccone, G BO
Four Years of Continuous Seafloor Displacement Measurements in the Campi Flegrei Caldera

Margaritelli, G; Lirer, F; Schroeder, K; Alberico, I; Dentici, MP; Caruso, A NA-VE
Globorotalia truncatulinoides in Central - Western Mediterranean Sea during the Little Ice Age

Vannucchi, P; Morgan, JP; Polonia, A; Molli, G BO
The life cycle of subcontinental peridotites: From rifted continental margins to mountains via subduction processes
GEOLOGY 48 12 1154-1158 DEC 2020

Chimienti, G; Angeletti, L; Furfaro, G; Canese, S; Taviani, M BO
Habitat, morphology and trophism of Tritonia callogorgiae sp. nov., a large nudibranch inhabiting Callogorgia verticillata forests in the Mediterranean Sea

Solodoch, A; Molemaker, JM; Srinivasan, K; Berta, M; Marie, L; Jagannathan, A
Observations of Shoaling Density Current Regime Changes in Internal Wave Interactions

Sun, DX; Bracco, A; Barkan, R; Berta, M; Dauhajre, D; Molemaker, MJ; Choi, J; Liu, GP; Griffa, A; McWilliams, JC SP
Diurnal Cycling of Submesoscale Dynamics: Lagrangian Implications in Drifter Observations and Model Simulations of the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Argnani, A. BO
Commentary: Deformation and Fault Propagation at the Lateral Termination of a Subduction Zone: The Alfeo Fault System in the Calabrian Arc, Southern Italy

Howell, KL; Hilario, A; Allcock, AL; Bailey, DM; Baker, M; Clark, MR; Colaco, A; Copley, J; Cordes, EE; Danovaro, R; Dissanayake, A; Escobar, E; Esquete, P; Gallagher, AJ; Gates, AR; Gaudron, SM; German, CR; Gjerde, KM; Higgs, ND; Le Bris, N; Levin, LA; Manea, E; McClain, C; Menot, L; Mestre, NC; Metaxas, A; Milligan, RJ; Muthumbi, AWN; Narayanaswamy, BE; Ramalho, SP; Ramirez-Llodra, E; Robson, LM; Rogers, AD; Sellanes, J; Sigwart, JD; Sink, K; Snelgrove, PVR; Stefanoudis, PV; Sumida, PY; Taylor, ML; Thurber, AR; Vieira, RP; Watanabe, HK; Woodall, LC; Xavier, JR VE
A Blueprint for an Inclusive, Global Deep-Sea Ocean Decade Field Program

Noce, S; Caporaso, L; Santini, M RM
A new global dataset of bioclimatic indicators
SCIENTIFIC DATA 7 1 - 398 NOV 16 2020

Organelli, E; Dall'Olmo, G; Brewin, RJW; Nencioli, F; Tarran, GA RM
Drivers of spectral optical scattering by particles in the upper 500 m of the Atlantic OceanOPTICS EXPRESS 28 23 34147-34166 NOV 9 2020 TS-VE

Cantoni, C; Hopwood, MJ; Clarke, JS; Chiggiato, J; Achterberg, EP; Cozzi, S
Glacial Drivers of Marine Biogeochemistry Indicate a Future Shift to More Corrosive Conditions in an Arctic Fjord

Pezzo, G; Petracchini, L; Devoti, R; Maffucci, R; Anderlini, L; Antoncecchi, I; Billi, A; Carminati, E; Ciccone, F; Cuffaro, M; Livani, M; Palano, M; Petricca, P; Pietrantonio, G; Riguzzi, F; Rossi, G; Sparacino, F; Doglioni, C BO
Active Fold-Thrust Belt to Foreland Transition in Northern Adria, Italy, Tracked by Seismic Reflection Profiles and GPS Offshore Data
TECTONICS 39 11 - e2020TC006425 NOV 2020

Federico, I; Pinardi, N; Lyubartsev, V; Maicu, F; Causio, S; Trotta, F; Caporale, C; Coppini, G; Demarte, M; Falconieri, A; Lacava, T; Lecci, R; Lisi, M; Lorenzetti, G; Manfe, G; Sepp-Neves, AA; Zaggia, L VE
Observational Evidence of the Basin-Wide Gyre Reversal in the Gulf of Taranto
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 47 22 - e2020GL091030 NOV 28 2020


Gasperini, L; Marzocchi, A; Mazza, S; Miele, R; Meli, M; Najjar, H; Michetti, AM; Polonia, A BO
Morphotectonics and late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of Lake Garda (Northern Italy)
GEOMORPHOLOGY 371 - 107427 DEC 152020

Zoffoli, ML; Gernez, P; Rosa, P; Le Bris, A; Brando, VE; Barille, AL; Harin, N; Peters, S; Poser, K; Spaias, L; Peralta, G; Barille, L RM
Sentinel-2 remote sensing of Zostera noltei-dominated intertidal seagrass meadows

Luppichini, M; Bini, M; Paterni, M; Berton, A; Merlino, S LS
A New Beach Topography-Based Method for Shoreline Identification
WATER 12 11 - 3110 NOV2020

Vieira, M; Guimaraes, PV; Violante-Carvalho, N; Benetazzo, A; Bergamasco, F; Pereira, H VE
A Low-Cost Stereo Video System for Measuring Directional Wind Waves



Celentano, P; Falco, P; Zambianchi, E LS-RM
Surface connection between the Ionian Sea and different areas of the Mediterranean derived from drifter data

Passaro, S; Gherardi, S; Romano, E; Ausili, A; Sesta, G; Pierfranceschi, G; Tamburrino, S; Sprovieri, M NA
Coupled geophysics and geochemistry to record recent coastal changes of contaminated sites of the Bagnoli industrial area, Southern Italy

Hainbucher, D; Alvarez, M; Uceda, BA; Bachi, G; Cardin, V; Celentano, P; Chaikalis, S; Montero, MDC; Civitarese, G; Fajar, NM; Fripiat, F; Gerke, L; Gogou, A; Guallart, EF; Gulk, B; Hassoun, AE; Lange, N; Rochner, A; Santinelli, C; Steinhoff, T; Tanhua, T; Urbini, L; Velaoras, D; Wolf, F; Welsch, A VE
Physical and biogeochemical parameters of the Mediterranean Sea during a cruise with RV Maria S. Merian in March 2018

Palano, M; Pezzo, G; Serpelloni, E; Devoti, R; D'Agostino, N; Gandolfi, S; Sparacino, F; Anderlini, L; Poluzzi, L; Tavasci, L; Macini, P; Pietrantonio, G; Riguzzi, F; Antoncecchi, I; Ciccone, F; Rossi, G; Avallone, A; Selvaggi, G BO
Geopositioning time series from offshore platforms in the Adriatic Sea
SCIENTIFIC DATA 7 1 - 373 NOV 4 2020

Bellacicco, M; Pitarch, J; Organelli, E; Martinez-Vicente, V; Volpe, G; Marullo, S RM
Improving the Retrieval of Carbon-Based Phytoplankton Biomass from Satellite Ocean Colour Observations
REMOTE SENSING 12 21 - 3640 NOV2020

Zuazo, A; Grinyo, J; Lopez-Vazquez, V; Rodriguez, E; Costa, C; Ortenzi, L; Flogel, S; Valencia, J; Marini, S; Zhang, GS; Wehde, H; Aguzzi, J LS
An Automated Pipeline for Image Processing and Data Treatment to Track Activity Rhythms of Paragorgia arborea in Relation to Hydrographic Conditions
SENSORS 20 21 - 6281 NOV2020


Nardelli, BB NA
A Deep Learning Network to Retrieve Ocean Hydrographic Profiles from Combined Satellite and In Situ Measurements
REMOTE SENSING 12 19 - 3151 OCT2020

Falcini, F; Corrado, R; Torri, M; Mangano, MC; Zarrad, R; Di Cintio, A; Palatella, L; Jarboui, O; Missaoui, H; Cuttitta, A; Patti, B; Santoleri, R; Sara, G; Lacorata, G RM
Seascape connectivity of European anchovy in the Central Mediterranean Sea revealed by weighted Lagrangian backtracking and bio-energetic modelling
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 1 - 18630 OCT 292020


Krauzig, N; Falco, P; Zambianchi, E    RM
Contrasting surface warming of a marginal basin due to large-scale climatic patterns and local forcing
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 1 - 17648 OCT 192020


Decembrini, F; Caroppo, C; Bergamasco, A. VE
Influence of lateral advection on phytoplankton size-structure and composition in a Mediterranean coastal area

Aguzzi, J; Lopez-Romero, D; Marini, S; Costa, C; Berry, A; Chumbinho, R; Ciuffardi, T; Fanelli, E; Pieretti, N; Del Rio, J; Stefanni, S; Mirimin, L; Doyle, J; Lordan, C; Gaughan, P LS
Multiparametric monitoring of fish activity rhythms in an Atlantic coastal cabled observatory

Bulkan, S; Vannucchi, P; Gasperini, L; Polonia, A; Cavozzi, C BO
Modelling tectonic deformation along the North-Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara
TECTONOPHYSICS 794 - 228612 NOV 52020

Bonizzoni, S; Furey, NB; Bearzi, G RM
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the north-western Adriatic Sea: Spatial distribution and effects of trawling

Aubry, FB; Acri, F; Scarpa, GM; Braga, F VE
Phytoplankton-Macrophyte Interaction in the Lagoon of Venice (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy)
WATER 12 10 - 2810 OCT2020

Idzelyte, R; Mezine, J; Zemlys, P; Umgiesser, G VE
Study of ice cover impact on hydrodynamic processes in the Curonian Lagoon through numerical modeling
OCEANOLOGIA 62 4 428-442 OCT-DEC2020

la Forgia, G; Sciortino, G RM
Interfacial solitons propagating through a background shear current
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 32 10 - 106603 OCT 12020

Madricardo, F; Ghezzo, M; Nesto, N; Mc Kiver, WJ; Faussone, GC; Fiorin, R; Riccato, F; Mackelworth, PC; Basta, J; De Pascalis, F; Kruss, A; Petrizzo, A; Moschino, V VE
How to Deal With Seafloor Marine Litter: An Overview of the State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives


Barra, E; Riminucci, F; Dinelli, E; Albertazzi, S; Giordano, P; Ravaioli, M; Capotondi, L BO
Natural Versus Anthropic Influence on North Adriatic Coast Detected by Geochemical Analyses

Benetazzo, A; Barbariol, F; Davison, S VE
Short-Term/Range Extreme-Value Probability Distributions of Upper Bounded Space-Time Maximum Ocean Waves

Cozzi, S; Cabrini, M; Kralj, M; De Vittor, C; Celio, M; Giani, M TS
Climatic and Anthropogenic Impacts on Environmental Conditions and Phytoplankton Community in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea)
WATER 12 9 - 2652 SEP2020

Marini, S; Gjeci, N; Govindaraj, S; But, A; Sportich, B; Ottaviani, E; Marquez, FPG; Sanchez, PJB; Pedersen, J; Clausen, CV; Madricardo, F; Foglini, F; Bonofiglio, F; Barbieri, L; Antonini, M; Camacho, YSM; Weiss, P; Nowak, K; Peer, M; Gobert, T; Turetta, A; Chatzidouros, E; Lee, D; Zarras, D; Steriotis, T; Charalambopoulou, G; Yamas, T; Papaelias, M LS-VE-BO
ENDURUNS: An Integrated and Flexible Approach for Seabed Survey Through Autonomous Mobile Vehicles



Milano, M; Kelemework, Y; La Manna, M; Fedi, M; Montanari, D; Iorio, M NA
Crustal structure of Sicily from modelling of gravity and magnetic anomalies
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 1 16019 10.1038/s41598-020-72849-z SEP 29 2020

Paoletti, V; Milano, M; Baniamerian, J; Fedi, M NA
Magnetic Field Imaging of Salt Structures at Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 47 18 e2020GL089026 10.1029/2020GL089026 SEP 28 2020

Francocci, F; Trincardi, F; Barbanti, A; Zacchini, M; Sprovieri, M VE
Linking Bioeconomy to Redevelopment in Contaminated Sites: Potentials and Enabling Factors
FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 8 144 10.3389/fenvs.2020.00144 SEP 22 2020

Mannino, AM; Minicante, SA; Rodriguez-Prieto, C VE
Phycological Herbaria as a Useful Tool to Monitor Long-Term Changes of Macroalgae Diversity: Some Case Studies from the Mediterranean Sea
DIVERSITY-BASEL 12 8 309 10.3390/d12080309 AUG 2020

Sani, C; Sanfilippo, A; Ferrando, C; Peyve, AA; Skolotonev, SG; Muccini, F; Zanetti, A; Basch, V; Palmiotto, C; Bonatti, E; Ligi, M BO
Ultra-depleted melt refertilization of mantle peridotites in a large intra-transform domain (Doldrums Fracture Zone; 7-8 degrees N, Mid Atlantic Ridge)
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Kvale, K; Prowe, AEF; Chien, CT; Landolfi, A; Oschlies, A RM
The global biological microplastic particle sink
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Ottolenghi, L; Adduce, C; Roman, F; la Forgia, G RM
Large eddy simulations of solitons colliding with intrusions
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Comment on "Geometry of the Deep Calabrian Subduction (Central Mediterranean Sea) From Wide-Angle Seismic Data and 3-D Gravity Modeling" by Dellong Et Al.
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Reply to Comment by A. Argnani on "Geometry of the Deep Calabrian Subduction From Wide-Angle Seismic Data and 3-D Gravity Modeling"
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Geology of Egypt: The Northern Red Sea
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A comprehensive quantification of global nitrous oxide sources and sinks
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Potential mass movements on the Palinuro volcanic chain (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) and consequent tsunami generation
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Papagiannopoulos, N; D'Amico, G; Gialitaki, A; Ajtai, N; Alados-Arboledas, L; Amodeo, A; Amiridis, V; Baars, H; Balis, D; Binietoglou, I; Comeron, A; Dionisi, D; Falconieri, A; Freville, P; Kampouri, A; Mattis, I; Mijic, Z; Molero, F; Papayannis, A; Pappalardo, G; Rodriguez-Gomez, A; Solomos, S; Mona, L RM
An EARLINET early warning system for atmospheric aerosol aviation hazards
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Morroni, L; d'Errico, G; Sacchi, M; Molisso, F; Armiento, G; Chiavarini, S; Rimauro, J; Guida, M; Siciliano, A; Ceparano, M; Aliberti, F; Tosti, E; Gallo, A; Libralato, G; Patti, FP; Gorbi, S; Fattorini, D; Nardi, A; Di Carlo, M; Mezzelani, M; Benedetti, M; Pellegrini, D; Musco, L; Danovaro, R; Dell'Anno, A; Regoli, F NA
Integrated characterization and risk management of marine sediments: The case study of the industrialized Bagnoli area (Naples, Italy)
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Natale, J; Ferranti, L; Marino, C; Sacchi, M NA
Resurgent dome faults in the offshore of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Pozzuoli Bay, Campania): preliminary results from high-resolution seismic reflection profiles

Schroeder, A; Stankovic, D; Pallavicini, A; Gionechetti, F; Pansera, M; Camatti, E VE
NA metabarcoding and morphological analysis - Assessment of zooplankton biodiversity in transitional waters
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Amos, CL; Kassem, H; Townend, I; Umgiesser, G; Madricardo, F; Zaggia, L; Manfe, G; Lorenzetti, G; Gomez, E VE
Using Historical Data to Examine the Accuracy of Sand Transport Field Measurements in Two Nearshore Marine Settings
JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH 36 5 1013 1028 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-19-00134.1 SEP 2020

Belgacem M.; J. Chiggiato; M. Borghini; B. Pavoni; G. Cerrati; F. Acri; S. Cozzi; A. Ribotti; M. Alvarez; S. K. Lauvset; K. Schroeder VE-TS
Dissolved inorganic nutrients in the western Mediterranean Sea (2004-2017)
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D'Agostino F.; A. Bellante; E. Quinci; S. Gherardi; F. Placenti; N. Sabatino; G. Buffa; G. Avellone; V. Di Stefano; M. Del Core NA
Persistent and Emerging Organic Pollutants in the Marine Coastal Environment of the Gulf of Milazzo (Southern Italy): Human Health Risk Assessment
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8 Aug 2020

Ferraro, L; Innangi, S; Di Martino, G; Russo, B; Tonielli, R; Innangi, M, NA
Seafloor features and benthic foraminifera off Linosa Island (Sicily Channel, southern Mediterranean),
Journal Of Marine Systems, 211, 103421, 44136

Piervandi, Z; Darban, AK; Mousavi, SM; Abdollahy, M; Asadollahfardi, G; Funari, V; Dinelli, E; Webster, RD; Sillanpaa, M, BO
Effect of biogenic jarosite on the bio-immobilization of toxic elements from sulfide tailings,
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Aguzzi, J.; Ivesa, N.; Gelli, M.; Costa, C.; Gavrilovic, A.; Cukrov, N.; Cukrov, M.; Cukrov, Nu; Omanovic, D.; Stifanic, M.; Marini, S.; Piria, M.; Azzurro, E.; Fanelli, E.; Danovaro, R. LS
Ecological video monitoring of Marine Protected Areas by underwater cabled surveillance cameras
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Antonioli, Fabrizio; De Falco, Giovanni; Lo Presti, Valeria; Moretti, Lorenzo; Scardino, Giovanni; Anzidei, Marco; Bonaldo, Davide; Carniel, Sandro; Leoni, Gabriele; Furlani, Stefano; Marsico, Antonella; Petitta, Marcello; Randazzo, Giovanni; Scicchitano, Giovanni; Mastronuzzi, Giuseppe VE
Relative Sea-Level Rise and Potential Submersion Risk for 2100 on 16 Coastal Plains of the Mediterranean Sea
WATER 2173 12 8 10.3390/w12082173 AUG 2020

Giardino, Claudia; Bresciani, Mariano; Braga, Federica; Fabbretto, Alice; Ghirardi, Nicola; Pepe, Monica; Gianinetto, Marco; Colombo, Roberto; Cogliati, Sergio; Ghebrehiwot, Semhar; Laanen, Marnix; Peters, Steef; Schroeder, Thomas; Concha, Javier A.; Brando, Vittorio E. RM-VE
First Evaluation of PRISMA Level 1 Data for Water ApplicationsSENSORS 4553 20 16 10.3390/s20164553 AUG 2020

Grilli, Federica; Accoroni, Stefano; Acri, Francesco; Aubry, Fabrizio Bernardi; Bergami, Caterina; Cabrini, Marina; Campanelli, Alessandra; Giani, Michele; Guicciardi, Stefano; Marini, Mauro; Neri, Francesca; Penna, Antonella; Penna, Pierluigi; Pugnetti, Alessandra; Ravaioli, Mariangela; Riminucci, Francesco; Ricci, Fabio; Totti, Cecilia; Viaroli, Pierluigi; Cozzi, Stefano TS-VE-BO
Seasonal and Interannual Trends of Oceanographic Parameters over 40 Years in the Northern Adriatic Sea in Relation to Nutrient Loadings Using the EMODnet Chemistry Data PortalWATER 2280 12 8 10.3390/w12082280 AUG 2020

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OpenSWAP, an Open Architecture, Low Cost Class of Autonomous Surface Vehicles for Geophysical Surveys in the Shallow Water EnvironmentREMOTE SENSING 2575 12 16 10.3390/rs12162575 AUG 2020

Angeletti, Lorenzo; Castellan, Giorgio; Montagna, Paolo; Remia, Alessandro; Taviani, Marco BO
The "Corsica Channel Cold-Water Coral Province" (Mediterranean Sea)
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Prampolini, Mariacristina; Savini, Alessandra; Foglini, Federica; Soldati, Mauro BO
Seven Good Reasons for Integrating Terrestrial and Marine Spatial Datasets in Changing Environments
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Mancusi, Cecilia; Baino, Romano; Fortuna, Caterina; De Sola, Luis Gil; Morey, Gabriel; Bradai, Mohamed Nejmeddine; Kallianotis, Argyrios; Soldo, Alen; Hemida, Farid; Saad, Adib Ali; Dimech, Mark; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Bariche, Michel; Clo, Simona; De Sabata, Eleonora; Castellano, Laura; Garibaldi, Fulvio; Lanteri, Luca; Tinti, Fausto; Pais, Antonio; Sperone, Emilio; Micarelli, Primo; Poisson, Francois; Sion, Letizia; Carlucci, Roberto; Cebrian-Menchero, Daniel; Seret, Bernard; Ferretti, Francesco; El-Far, Alaa; Saygu, Ismet; Shakman, Esmail A.; Bartoli, Alex; Guallart, Javier; Damalas, Dimitrios; Megalofonou, Persefoni; Vacchi, Marino; Colloca, Francesco; Bottaro, Massimiliano; Di Sciara, Giuseppe Notarbartolo; Follesa, Maria Cristina; Cannas, Rita; Kabasakal, Hakan; Zava, Bruno; Cavlan, Graziella; Jung, Armelle; Abudaya, Mohammed; Kolitari, Jerina; Barash, Adi; Joksimovic, Aleksandar; Cetkovic, Ilija; Marceta, Bojan; Gonzalez Vilas, Luis; Tiralongo, Francesco; Giovos, Ioannis; Bargnesi, Filippo; Lelli, Stefano; Barone, Monica; Moro, Stefano; Mazzoldi, Carlotta; Charis, Charilaou; Abella, Alvaro Juan; Serena, Fabrizio RM
MEDLEM database, a data collection on large Elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean and Black seas
MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE 21 2 10.12681/mms.21148 2020

Depellegrin, D; Bastianini, M; Fadini, A; Menegon, S     VE
The effects of COVID-19 induced lockdown measures on maritime settings of a coastal region
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  14012310.1016/j.scitotenv..140123 740, OCT 2020

Prada, M; Ranero, CR; Sallares, V; Grevemeyer, I; de Franco, R; Gervasi, A; Zitellini, N     BO
The structure of Mediterranean arcs: New insights from the Calabrian Arc subduction system
EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS  11648010.1016/j.epsl.2020.116480 548, OCT 2020

Li, P; Xia, QK; Dallai, L; Bonatti, E; Brunelli, D; Cipriani, A; Ligi, M      BO
High H2O Content in Pyroxenes of Residual Mantle Peridotites at a Mid Atlantic Ridge Segment
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  157910.1038/s41598-019-57344-4 10, 2020

Eyring V.; L. Bock; A. Lauer; M. Righi; M. Schlund; B. Andela; E. Arnone; O. Bellprat; B. Brotz; L. P. Caron; N. Carvalhais; I. Cionni; N. Cortesi; B. Crezee; E. L. Davin; P. Davini; K. Debeire; L. de Mora; C. Deser; D. Docquier; P. Earnshaw; C. Ehbrecht; B. K. Gier; N. Gonzalez-Reviriego; P. Goodman; S. Hagemann; S. Hardiman; B. Hassler; A. Hunter; C. Kadow; S. Kindermann; S. Koirala; N. Koldunov; Q. Lejeune; V. Lembo; T. Lovato; V. Lucarini; F. Massonnet; B. Muller; A. Pandde; N. Perez-Zanon; A. Phillips; V. Predoi; J. Russell; A. Sellar; F. Serva; T. Stacke; R. Swaminathan; V. Torralba; J. Vegas-Regidor; J. von Hardenberg; K. Weigel; K. Zimmermann      RM
Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) v2.0-an extended set of large-scale diagnostics for quasi-operational and comprehensive evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP
Geoscientific Model Development1373383-3438 Jul 2020

Iezzi G.; G. Lanzafame; L. Mancini; H. Behrens; S. Tamburrino; M. Vallefuoco; S. Passaro; P. Signanini; G. Ventura    NA
Deep sea explosive eruptions may be not so different from subaerial eruptions
Scientific Reports101 Apr 2020

Nardelli Bongiorno B.     NA
A multi-year time series of observation-based 3D horizontal and vertical quasi-geostrophic global ocean currents
Earth System Science Data1231711-1723 Aug 2020

Silkin V.; L. Pautova; M. Giordano; M. Kravchishina; V. Artemiev     VE
Interannual variability of Emiliania huxleyi blooms in the Barents Sea: In situ data 2014-2018
Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 Sep 2020

de Ruggiero P.; G. Esposito; E. Napolitano; R. Iacono; S. Pierini; E. Zambianchi    LS
Modelling the marine circulation of the Campania coastal system (Tyrrhenian Sea) for the year 2016: Analysis of the dynamics
Journal of Marine Systems 210 Oct 2020
Di Bella C.; A. Traina; C. Giosue; D. Carpintieri; G. M. Lo Dico; A. Bellante; M. Del Core; F. Falco; S. Gherardi; M. M. Uccello; V. Ferrantelli     NA
Heavy Metals and PAHs in Meat, Milk, and Seafood From Augusta Area (Southern Italy): Contamination Levels, Dietary Intake, and Human Exposure Assessment
Frontiers in Public Health 8 Jul 2020
Dionisi D.; V. E. Brando; G. Volpe; S. Colella; R. Santoleri   RM
Seasonal distributions of ocean particulate optical properties from spaceborne lidar measurements in Mediterranean and Black sea
Remote Sensing of Environment 247 Sep 2020
Fabbrocini A.; F. Silvestri; V. Vitiello; S. Pelosi; G. Sansone; R. D'Adamo    NA
A step towards using the semen of the common pandora Pagellus erythrinus for practical applications of cryo-research: The computer-assessed sperm motility pattern in long-term cryostored samples
Aquaculture 528 Nov 2020
Gasperini L.; M. Lazar; A. Mazzini; M. Lupi; A. Haddad; C. Hensen; M. Schmidt; A. Caracausi; M. Ligi; A. Polonia      BO
Neotectonics of the Sea of Galilee (northeast Israel): implication for geodynamics and seismicity along the Dead Sea Fault system
Scientific Reports 10 1 Jul Lazar, Michael/G-5038-2015; Ligi, Marco/G-4853-2012. 2020
Gilardoni S.; L. Tarozzi; S. Sandrini; P. Ielpo; D. Contini; J. P. Putaud; F. Cavalli; V. Poluzzi; D. Bacco; C. Leonardi; A. Genga; L. Langone; S. Fuzzi      BO
Reconstructing Elemental Carbon Long-Term Trend in the Po Valley (Italy) from Fog Water Samples
Atmosphere 11 6 Jun 2020
Janowski L.; F. Madricardo; S. Fogarin; A. Kruss; E. Molinaroli; A. Kubowicz-Grajewska; J. Tegowski    VE
Spatial and Temporal Changes of Tidal Inlet Using Object-Based Image Analysis of Multibeam Echosounder Measurements: A Case from the Lagoon of Venice, Italy
Remote Sensing 12 13 Jul 2020
la Forgia G.; L. Ottolenghi; C. Adduce; F. Falcini    RM
Intrusions and solitons: Propagation and collision dynamics
Physics of Fluids 32 7 Jul 2020
Mansour K.; S. Decesari; M. C. Facchini; F. Belosi; M. Paglione; S. Sandrini; M. Bellacicco; S. Marullo; R. Santoleri; J. Ovadnevaite; D. Ceburnis; C. O'Dowd; G. Roberts; K. Sanchez; M. Rinaldi      BO
Linking Marine Biological Activity to Aerosol Chemical Composition and Cloud-Relevant Properties Over the North Atlantic Ocean
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 125 13 Jul 2020
Maselli V.; D. Oppo; A. L. Moore; A. R. Gusman; C. Mtelela; D. Iacopini; M. Taviani; E. Mjema; E. Mulaya; M. Che; A. L. Tomioka; E. Mshiu; J. D. Ortiz    BO
A 1000-yr-old tsunami in the Indian Ocean points to greater risk for East Africa
Geology 48 8 808-813 Aug 2020
Picone M.; E. Delaney; D. Tagliapietra; I. Guarneri; A. V. Ghirardini    VE
Bioaccumulation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins (PCDDs) and Dibenzofurans (PCDFs) inHediste diversicolor(Polychaeta: Nereididae)
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 Jul 2020
Pilotto F.; I. Kuehn; R. Adrian; R. Alber; A. Alignier; C. Andrews; J. Back; L. Barbaro; D. Beaumont; N. Beenaerts; S. Benham; D. S. Boukal; V. Bretagnolle; E. Camatti; R. Canullo; P. G. Cardoso; B. J. Ens; G. Everaert; V. Evtimova; H. Feuchtmayr; R. Garcia-Gonzalez; D. Gomez Garcia; U. Grandin; J. M. Gutowski; L. Hadar; L. Halada; M. Halassy; H. Hummel; K. L. Huttunen; B. Jaroszewicz; T. C. Jensen; H. Kalivoda; I. K. Schmidt; I. Kroncke; R. Leinonen; F. Martinho; H. Meesenburg; J. Meyer; S. Minerbi; D. Monteith; B. P. Nikolov; D. Oro; D. Ozolins; B. M. Padedda; D. Pallett; M. Pansera; M. A. Pardal; B. Petriccione; T. Pipan; J. Poyry; S. M. Schafer; M. Schaub; S. C. Schneider; A. Skuja; K. Soetaert; G. Springe; R. Stanchev; J. A. Stockan; S. Stoll; L. Sundqvist; A. Thimonier; G. Van Hoey; G. Van Ryckegem; M. E. Visser; S. Vorhauser; P. Haase      VE
Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe
Nature Communications 11 1 Jul 2020
Sanz-Saez I.; G. Salazar; P. Sanchez; E. Lara; M. Royo-Llonch; E. L. Sa; T. Lucena; M. J. Pujalte; D. Vaque; C. M. Duarte; J. M. Gasol; C. Pedros-Alio; O. Sanchez; S. G. Acinas
Diversity and distribution of marine heterotrophic bacteria from a large culture collection
Bmc Microbiology 20 1 Jul 2020
Zonta R.; D. Cassin; R. Pini; J. Dominik    VE
Substantial Decrease in Contaminant Concentrations in the Sediments of the Venice (Italy) Canal Network in the Last Two Decades-Implications for Sediment Management
Water 12 7 Jul 2020

Gamberi F.    BO
Systems supplying sediment to canyon heads (SSSCHs) in the Tyrrhenian Sea: The past and the present as a key to understanding deep-sea stratigraphy
Marine and Petroleum Geology 119 Sep 2020

Innangi S.; R. Tonielli; G. Di Martino; A. Guarino; F. Molisso; M. Sacchi   NA
High-resolution seafloor sedimentological mapping: the case study of Bagnoli-Coroglio site, Gulf of Pozzuoli (Napoli), Italy
Chemistry and Ecology 36 6 511-528 Jul  2020

Molisso F.; M. Caccavale; M. Capodanno; C. Di Gregorio; M. Gilardi; A. Guarino; E. Oliveri; S. Tamburrino; M. Sacchi     NA
Sedimentological analysis of marine deposits off the Bagnoli-Coroglio Site of National Interest (SNI), Pozzuoli (Napoli) Bay
Chemistry and Ecology 36 6 565-578 Jul  2020

Sacchi M.; F. Matano; F. Molisso; S. Passaro; M. Caccavale; G. Di Martino; A. Guarino; S. Innangi; S. Tamburrino; R. Tonielli; M. Vallefuoco    NA
Geological framework of the Bagnoli-Coroglio coastal zone and continental shelf, Pozzuoli (Napoli) Bay
Chemistry and Ecology 36 6 529-549 Jul  2020

Vallefuoco M.; S. Tamburrino; M. Sacchi; A. Guarino; G. Di Martino; R. Tonielli; M. Sprovieri; S. Passaro    NA
Shallow marine sediments characterisation of the Bagnoli brownfield site, Pozzuoli Bay (Italy)
Chemistry and Ecology 36 6 550-564 Jul  2020

Castagno P.; P. de Ruggiero; S. Pierini; E. Zambianchi; A. De Alteris; M. De Stefano; G. Budillon   RM
Hydrographic and dynamical characterisation of the Bagnoli-Coroglio Bay (Gulf of Naples, Tyrrhenian Sea)
Chemistry and Ecology 36 6 598-618 Jul 2020

Di Martino G.; S. Innangi; S. Passaro; M. Sacchi; M. Vallefuoco; R. Tonielli    NA
Mapping of seabed morphology of the Bagnoli brownfield site, Pozzuoli (Napoli) Bay, Italy
Chemistry and Ecology 36 6 496-510 Jul  2020

Saviano S.; F. De Leo; G. Besio; E. Zambianchi; M. Uttieri    RM
HF Radar Measurements of Surface Waves in the Gulf of Naples (Southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea): Comparison With Hindcast Results at Different Scales
Frontiers in Marine Science 7 Jul  2020

Tagliapietra; R. Povilanskas; A. Razinkovas-Baziukas; J. Taminskas     VE
Emerald Growth: A New Framework Concept for Managing Ecological Quality and Ecosystem Services of Transitional Waters
Water 12 3 Mar 2020

Jakob L.; S. Michal; S. Franz-Georg; Q. Margarida; H. Jiri; H. Florian; Funari V.. Johann; B. Roberto; B. Elza; B. Anna; B. Dominik   BO
What waste management can learn from the traditional mining sector: Towards an integrated assessment and reporting of anthropogenic resources
Waste Management 113 154-156 Jul  2020

Margaritelli G.; I. Cacho; A. Catala; M. Barra; L. G. Bellucci; C. Lubritto; R. Rettori; F. Lirer   NA-BO
Persistent warm Mediterranean surface waters during the Roman period
Scientific Reports 10 1 Jun  2020

Billi A.; M. Cuffaro; L. Beranzoli; S. Bigi; A. Bosman; C. Caruso; A. Conti; A. Corbo; A. Costanza; G. D'Anna; M. De Caro; C. Doglioni; D. Embriaco; G. Fertitta; F. Frugoni; L. Gasperini; F. Italiano; G. Lazzaro; M. Ligi; E. Martorelli; S. Monna; C. Montuori; A. Nigrelli; G. Passafiume; L. Petracchini; P. Petricca; A. Polonia; G. Proietti; L. Ruggiero; T. Sgroi; M. C. Tartarello   BO
The SEISMOFAULTS project: first surveys and preliminary results for the Ionian Sea area, southern Italy
Annals of Geophysics 63 3 2020

Bracaglia M.; R. Santoleri; G. Volpe; S. Colella; M. Benincasa; V. E. Brando    RM
A Virtual Geostationary Ocean Color Sensor to Analyze the Coastal Optical Variability
Remote Sensing 12 10 May 2020

Ciani D.; M. H. Rio; B. B. Nardelli; H. Etienne; R. Santoleri    RM-NA
Improving the Altimeter-Derived Surface Currents Using Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Data: A Sensitivity Study to SST Products
Remote Sensing 12 10 May 2020

Gambi C.; M. Canals; C. Corinaldesi; A. Dell'Anno; E. Manea; A. Pusceddu; A. Sanchez-Vidal; R. Danovaro    VE
Impact of historical sulfide mine tailings discharge on meiofaunal assemblages (Portman Bay, Mediterranean Sea)
Science of the Total Environment 736 Sep 2020

Rumolo V; A. Bonanno; S. Genovese; T. Romeo; S. Mazzola; G. Basilone; S. Gherardi; P. Battaglia; F. Andaloro; M. Barra   NA
Growth-related trophic changes of Thunnus thynnus as evidenced by stable nitrogen isotopic values in the first dorsal spine
Scientific Reports 10 1 Jun 2020

Violante C.; M. De Lauro; E. Esposito    NA
Fine-scale seabed habitats off Capri Island, southern Italy
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Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: Geohab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, 2nd Edition 439-450 2020  book chapter

Angeletti L.; M. Prampolini; F. Foglini; V. Grande; M. Taviani    BO
Cold-water coral habitat in the Bari Canyon System, Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)
In: P. T. Harris; E. Baker
Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: Geohab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, 2nd Edition 811-824 2020  book chapter

D'Angelo S.; F. Di Stefano; A. Fiorentino; M. T. Lettieri; G. F. Russo; C. Violante    NA
Marine landscapes and habitats of Cilento Geopark (Italy)-linking geo- and biodiversity using a multiscalar approach
In: P. T. Harris; E. Baker
Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: Geohab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, 2nd Edition 421-437 2020  book chapter

Prampolini M.; L. Angeletti; V. Grande; M. Taviani; F. Foglini    BO
Tricase Submarine Canyon: cold-water coral habitats in the southwesternmost Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)
In: P. T. Harris; E. Baker
Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: Geohab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, 2nd Edition 793-810 2020  book chapter

Madricardo  F.; G. Montereale-Gavazzi; M. Sigovini; A. Kruss; C. Toso; F. Foglini    VE-BO
Seafloor morphology and habitats of tidal channels in the Venice Lagoon, Italy tidal channel habitats
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Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: Geohab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, 2nd Edition 187-198 2020  book chapter

Alberico I.; P. Petrosino; F. Totaro    NA
PDC-BuilD framework: Assessing building damage probability for pyroclastic currents of a small-size explosive eruption at Campi Flegrei (Southern Italy)
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 47 Aug 2020

Costa C.; E. Fanelli; S. Marini; R. Danovaro; J. Aguzzi   LS
Global Deep-Sea Biodiversity Research Trends Highlighted by Science Mapping Approach
Frontiers in Marine Science 7 Jun  2020

Serra C. S.; S. Martinez-Loriente; E. Gracia; R. Urgeles; A. Vizcaino; H. Perea; R. Bartolome; R. Pallas; C. Lo Iacono; S. Diez; J. Danobeitia; P. Terrinha; N. Zitellini    BO
Tectonic evolution, geomorphology and influence of bottom currents along a large submarine canyon system: The Sao Vicente Canyon (SW Iberian margin)
Marine Geology 426 Aug 2020

Suaria G.; A. Achtypi; V. Perold; J. R. Lee; A. Pierucci; T. G. Bornman; S. Aliani; P. G. Ryan  LS
Microfibers in oceanic surface waters: A global characterization
Science Advances 6 23 Jun 2020

Braga F.; G. M. Scarpa; V. E. Brando; G. Manfe; L. Zaggia   VE
COVID-19 lockdown measures reveal human impact on water transparency in the Venice Lagoon
Science of the Total Environment 736 Sep 2020

Brundu G.; S. A. Minicante; E. Barni; R. Bolpagni; A. Caddeo; L. Celesti-Grapow; A. Cogoni; G. Galasso; G. Iiriti; L. Lazzaro; M. C. Loi; V. Lozano; M. Marignani; C. Montagnani; C. Siniscalco    VE
Managing plant invasions using legislation tools: an analysis of the national and regional regulations for non-native plants in Italy
Annali di Botanica 10 1-11 2020

Brunelli D.; A. Sanfilippo; E. Bonatti; S. Skolotnev; J. Escartin; M. Ligi; G. Ballabio; A. Cipriani   BO
Origin of oceanic ferrodiorites by injection of nelsonitic melts in gabbros at the Vema Lithospheric Section, Mid Atlantic Ridge
Lithos 368 Sep 2020

Farella G.; S. Menegon; A. Fadini; D. Depellegrin; E. Manea; L. Perini; A. Barbanti   VE
Incorporating ecosystem services conservation into a scenario-based MSP framework: An Adriatic case study
Ocean & Coastal Management 193 Aug 2020

Maselli V.; A. Normandeau; M. Nones; T. Tesi; L. Langone; F. Trincardi; K. M. Bohacs   BO
Tidal modulation of river-flood deposits: How low can you go?
Geology 48 7 663-667 Jul 2020

Queiros J. P.; S. L. Hill; M. Pinkerton; M. Vacchi; J. P. Coelho; E. Pereira; J. A. Ramos; J. Seco; D. W. Stevens; J. C. Xavier    GE
High mercury levels in Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni from the Southwest Pacific sector of the Southern OceanEnvironmental Research 187 Aug 2020

Ribotti A.; R. Sorgente; M. Borghini   LS
Quality assurance and control on hydrological data off western Sardinia (2000-2004), western Mediterranean Earth System Science Data 12 2 1287-1294 Jun 2020

Fanelli E.; J. Aguzzi; S. Marini; J. del Rio; M. Nogueras; S. Canese; S. Stefanni; R. Danovaro; F. Conversano   LS
Towards Naples Ecological REsearch for Augmented Observatories (NEREA): The NEREA-Fix Module, a Stand-Alone Platform for Long-Term Deep-Sea Ecosystem Monitoring
IMEKO TC-19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea. Oct 03-05, 2019 Genova, ITALY, Imeko tc 19
Sensors 20 10 May 2020

Garcia-Solsona E.; L. D. Pena; E. Paredes; J. N. Perez-Asensio; L. Quiros-Collazos; F. Lirer; I. Cacho      NA
Rare earth elements and Nd isotopes as tracers of modern ocean circulation in the central Mediterranean Sea
Progress in Oceanography 185 Jun  2020

Garra R.; F. Falcini; V. R. Voller; G. Pagnini     RM
A generalized Stefan model accounting for system memory and non-locality
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 114 May 2020

Tamburrino S.; S. Passaro; D. S. Manta; E. Quinci; A. Ausili; E. Romano; M. Sprovieri      NA
Re-shaping the original SIN: a need to re-think sediment management and policy by introducing the buffer zone concept
Journal of Soils and Sediments 20 6 2563-2572 Jun 2020

Funari V.; L. Mantovani; L. Vigliotti; E. Dinelli; M. Tribaudino    BO
Understanding room-temperature magnetic properties of anthropogenic ashes from municipal solid waste incineration to assess potential impacts and resources
Journal of Cleaner Production 262 Jul  2020

Liberti G. L.; D. D'Alimonte; A. di Sarra; C. Mazeran; K. Voss; M. Yarbrough; R. Bozzano; L. Cavaleri; S. Colella; C. Cesarini; T. Kajiyama; D. Meloni; A. Pomaro; G. Volpe; C. X. Yang; F. Zagolski; R. Santoleri     RM-VE
European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA): A Contribution to the Design of the European Copernicus Infrastructure for Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration
Remote Sensing 12 7 Apr  2020

McKiver William. J.     VE
Balanced ellipsoidal vortex at finite Rossby number Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Balanced ellipsoidal vortex at finite Rossby
Geophysical And Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics number 0309-1929
Early Access May 2020

Merlino S.; M. Paterni; A. Berton; L. Massetti    SP
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Debris Survey in Coastal Areas: Long-Term Monitoring Programme to Study Spatial and Temporal Accumulation of the Dynamics of Beached Marine Litter
Remote Sensing 12 8 Apr  2020

Petrini M.; F. Colleoni; N. Kirchner; A. L. C. Hughes; A. Camerlenghi; M. Rebesco; R. G. Lucchi; E. Forte; R. R. Colucci; R. Noormets; J. Mangerud     TS
Simulated last deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet primarily driven by oceanic conditions
Quaternary Science Reviews 238 Jun  2020

Schroeder K.; S. Cozzi; M. Belgacem; M. Borghini; C. Cantoni; S. Durante; A. Petrizzo; A. Poiana; J. Chiggiato    VE-TS-SP
Along-Path Evolution of Biogeochemical and Carbonate System Properties in the Intermediate Water of the Western Mediterranean
Frontiers in Marine Science 7 May  2020

Dellong D; F. Klingelhoefer; A. Dannowski; H. Kopp; S. Murphy; D. Graindorge; L. Margheriti; M. Moretti; G. Barreca; L. Scarfi; A. Polonia; M. A. Gutscher     BO
Geometry of the Deep Calabrian Subduction (Central Mediterranean Sea) From Wide-Angle Seismic Data and 3-D Gravity Modeling
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 21 3 Mar 2020

Guimaraes P. V.; F. Ardhuin; F. Bergamasco; F. Leckler; J. F. Filipot; J. S. Shim; V. Dulov; A. Benetazzo   VE
A data set of sea surface stereo images to resolve space-time wave fields
Scientific Data 7 1 May  2020

Nesto N.; R. Simonini; F. Riccato; R. Fiorin; M. Picone; L. Da Ros; V. Moschino    VE
Macro-zoobenthic biodiversity of northern Adriatic hard substrates: Ecological insights from a bibliographic survey
Journal of Sea Research 160 May 2020

Basilone G.; R. Ferreri; M. Barra; A. Bonanno; M. Pulizzi; A. Gargano; I. Fontana; G. Giacalone; P. Rumolo; S. Mazzola; S. Genovese; R. McBride; S. Aronica   NA
Spawning ecology of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Strait of Sicily: Linking variations of zooplankton prey, fish density, growth, and reproduction in an upwelling system
Progress in Oceanography 184 May  2020

Cavaleri L., F. Barbariol; A. Benetazzo     VE
Wind-Wave Modeling: Where We Are, Where to Go
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 4 Apr  2020

Dell'Angelo B.; B. M. Landau; M. Sosso; M. Taviani      BO
Late Pleistocene Red Sea Mollusca: 1. Polyplacophora
Zootaxa 4772 3 401-449 May 2020

Gomes H. I.; V. Funari; E. Dinelli; F. Soavi  BO
Enhanced electrodialytic bioleaching of fly ashes of municipal solid waste incineration for metal recovery
Electrochimica Acta 345 Jun  2020

Manso-Narvarte I.; E. Fredj; G. Jorda; M. Berta; A. Griffa; A. Caballero; A. Rubio   LS
3D reconstruction of ocean velocity from high-frequency radar and acoustic Doppler current profiler: a model-based assessment study
Ocean Science 16 3 575-591 May  2020

Tesi T.; S. T. Belt; K. Gariboldi; F. Muschitiello; L. Smik; F. Finocchiaro; F. Giglio; E. Colizza; G. Gazzurra; P. Giordano; C. Morigi; L. Capotondi; A. Nogarotto; D. Koseoglu; A. Di Roberto; A. Gallerani; L. Langone    BO
Resolving sea ice dynamics in the north-western Ross Sea during the last 2.6 ka: From seasonal to millennial timescales
Quaternary Science Reviews 237 Jun  2020

Giuliani S.; L. G. Bellucci; D. H. Nhon     BO
The Coast of Vietnam: Present Status and Future Challenges for Sustainable Development
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Improving storm surge forecast in Venice with a unidimensional Kalman filter
Estuarine  Coastal and Shelf Science 239 2020

Tagliapietra D.; R. Povilanskas; A. Razinkovas-Baziukas; J. Taminskas     VE
Emerald Growth: A New Framework Concept for Managing Ecological Quality and Ecosystem Services of Transitional Waters
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The impact of operating the mobile barriers in Venice (MOSE) under climate change
Journal for Nature Conservation 54, UNSP 125783, Apr 2020

Aguzzi J., J. Albiez, S. Flogel, O. R. Godo, E. Grimsbo, S. Marini, O. Pfannkuche, E. Rodriguez, L. Thomsen, T. Torkelsen, J. Valencia, V. Lopez-Vazquez, H. Wehde and G. S. Zhang      LS
A Flexible Autonomous Robotic Observatory Infrastructure for Bentho-Pelagic Monitoring
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Aguzzi J., D. Chatzievangelou, M. Francescangeli, S. Marini, F. Bonofiglio, J. del Rio and R. Danovaro    LS
The Hierarchic Treatment of Marine Ecological Information from Spatial Networks of Benthic Platforms
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Hopwood M.J., D. Carroll, T. Dunse, A. Hodson, J. M. Holding, J. L. Iriarte, S. Ribeiro, E. P. Achterberg, C. Cantoni, D. F. Carlson, M. Chierici, J. S. Clarke, S. Cozzi, A. Fransson, T. Juul-Pedersen, M. H. S. Winding and L. Meire     TS
Review article: How does glacier discharge affect marine biogeochemistry and primary production in the Arctic?
Cryosphere 14 4 1347-1383 Apr 2020

Massabo D., P. Prati, E. Canepa, M. Bastianini, A. M. J. Van Eijk, T. Missamou and J. Piazzola     VE
Characterization of carbonaceous aerosols over the Northern Adriatic Sea in the JERICO-NEXT project framework
Atmospheric Environment 228 May 2020

Amitai Y., R. Yam, P. Montagna, S. Devoti, M. L. Correa and A. Shemesh     BO
Spatial and temporal variability in Mediterranean climate over the last millennium from vermetid isotope records and CMIP5/PMIP3 models
Global and Planetary Change 189 Jun 2020 S

Buontempo C., R. Hutjes, P. Beavis, J. Berckmans, C. Cagnazzo, F. Vamborg, J. N. Thepaut, C. Bergeron, S. Almond, A. Amici, S. Ramasamy and D. Dee     RM
Fostering the development of climate services through Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) for agriculture applications
Weather and Climate Extremes 27 Mar 2020

Gallo A., M. Guida, G. Armiento, A. Siciliano, N. Mormile, F. Carraturo, D. Pellegrini, L. Morroni, E. Tosti, M. I. Ferrante, M. Montresor, F. Molisso, M. Sacchi, R. Danovaro, G. Lofrano and G. Libralato    NA
Species-specific sensitivity of three microalgae to sediment elutriates
Marine Environmental Research 156 Apr 2020

Granata, A. Bergamasco, P. Battaglia, G. Milisenda, M. Pansera, V. Bonanzinga, G. Arena, F. Andaloro, S. Giacobbe, S. Greco, R. Guglielmo, N. Spano, G. Zagami and L. Guglielmo   VE
Vertical distribution and diel migration of zooplankton and micronekton in Polcevera submarine canyon of the Ligurian mesopelagic zone (NW Mediterranean Sea)
Progress in Oceanography 183 Apr 2020

Azzarone M., C. Pellegrini, G. Barbieri, V. Rossi, F. Gamberi, F. Trincardi and D. Scarponi   BO
Linking benthic fauna and seismic facies to improve stratigraphic reconstructions: the case of the Mid-Adriatic Deep since the late glacial period (Central Adriatic Sea)
Bollettino Della Societa Paleontologica Italiana 59 1 9-23 2020

Cau S., M. Roveri and M. Taviani   BO
Palaeobiology of Pliocene-Pleistocene shallow-water biocalcarenites (Northern Apennines, Italy) and their relationship with coeval sapropels
Bollettino Della Societa Paleontologica Italiana 59 1 25-40  2020

Bianucci M. and M. Bologna    SP
About the foundation of the Kubo generalized cumulants theory: a revisited and corrected approach
Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment 2020 4 Apr 2020

Giglio F., S. Romano, S. Albertazzi, F. Chiarini, M. Ravaioli, M. Ligi and L. Capotondi     BO
Sediment Dynamics of the Neretva Channel (Croatia Coast) Inferred by Chemical and Physical Proxies
Applied Sciences-Basel 10 3 Feb 2020

Langodan S., L. Cavaleri, J. Portilla, Y. Abualnaja and I. Hoteit     VE
Can we extrapolate climate in an inner basin? The case of the Red Sea
Global and Planetary Change 188 May 2020

Nasi F., R. Auriemma, F. Relitti, M. Bazzaro, D. Cassin and T. Cibic    VE
Structural and functional response of coastal macrofaunal community to terrigenous input from the Po River (northern Adriatic Sea) (northern Adriatic Sea)
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 235 Apr 2020

Iorio M., A. Carotenuto, A. Corniello, S. Di Fraia, N. Massarotti, A. Mauro, R. Somma and L. Vanoli     NA
Low Enthalpy Geothermal Systems in Structural Controlled Areas: A Sustainability Analysis of Geothermal Resource for Heating Plant (The Mondragone Case in Southern Appennines, Italy)
Energies 13 5 Mar 2020

Kutser T., J. Hedley, C. Giardino, C. Roelfsema and V. E. Brando     RM
Remote sensing of shallow waters - A 50 year retrospective and future directions
Remote Sensing of Environment 240 Apr 2020

Mansour, S. Decesari, M. Bellacicco, S. Marullo, R. Santoleri, P. Bonasoni, M. C. Facchini, J. Ovadnevaite, D. Ceburnis, C. O'Dowd and M. Rinaldi
Particulate methanesulfonic acid over the central Mediterranean Sea: Source region identification and relationship with phytoplankton activity
Atmospheric Research 237  Article Number: UNSP 104837 Jun 2020

Mantovani, L. Corgnati, J. Horstmann, A. Rubio, E. Reyes, C. Quentin, S. Cosoli, J. L. Asensio, J. Madera and A. Griffa    LS
Best Practices on High Frequency Radar Deployment and Operation for Ocean Current MeasurementFrontiers in Marine Science 7 Apr 2020

Rovere M., A. Mercorella, E. Frapiccini, V. Funari, F. Spagnoli, C. Pellegrini, A. S. Bonetti, T. Veneruso, A. N. Tassetti, M. Dell'Orso, M. Mastroianni, G. Giuliani, R. De Marco, G. Fabi, F. Ciccone and I. Antoncecchi     BO
Geochemical and Geophysical Monitoring of Hydrocarbon Seepage in the Adriatic Sea
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Villa P., M. Bresciani, R. Bolpagni, F. Braga, D. Bellingeri and C. Giardino   VE
Impact of upstream landslide on perialpine lake ecosystem: An assessment using multi-temporal satellite data
Science of the Total Environment 720  Article Number: 137627  Jun 2020

Angeletti L. and M. Taviani     BO
Offshore Neopycnodonte Oyster Reefs in the Mediterranean Sea
Diversity-Basel 12 3 Mar 2020

De Serio F., E. Armenio, M. Ben Meftah, G. Capasso, V. Corbelli, D. De Padova, F. De Pascalis, A. Di Bernardino, G. Leuzzi, P. Monti, A. Pini, R. Velardo and M. Mossa    VE
Detecting sensitive areas in confined shallow basins
Environmental Modelling & Software 126 Apr 2020

Gamberi F., C. Pellegrini, G. Dalla Valle, D. Scarponi, K. Bohacs and F. Trincardi   BO
Compound and hybrid clinothems of the last lowstand Mid-Adriatic Deep: Processes, depositional environments, controls and implications for stratigraphic analysis of prograding systems
Basin Research 32 2 363-377 Apr 2020

Patruno S., V. Scisciani, W. Helland-Hansen, N. D'Intino, W. Reid and C. Pellegrini     BO
Upslope-climbing shelf-edge clinoforms and the stepwise evolution of the northern European glaciation (lower Pleistocene Eridanos Delta system, UK North Sea): When sediment supply overwhelms accommodation
Basin Research 32 2 224-239 Apr 2020

Pellegrini C., S. Patruno, W. Helland-Hansen, R. J. Steel and F. Trincardi    BO
Clinoforms and clinothems: Fundamental elements of basin infill
Basin Research 32 2 187-205 Apr 2020

Cavaleri L., M. Bajo, F. Barbariol, M. Bastianini, A. Benetazzo, L. Bertotti, J. Chiggiato, C. Ferrarin, F. Trincardi, G. Umgiesser and Ismar Team    VE
the 2019 flooding of venice and its implications for future predictions
Oceanography 33 1 42-49 Mar 2020

Dierssen H., A. Bracher, V. Brando, H. Loisel and K. Ruddick     RM
Data needs for hyperspectral detection of algal diversity across the globe
Oceanography 33 1 74-79 Mar 2020

Smedile A., F. Molisso, C. Chague, M. Iorio, P. M. De Martini, S. Pinzi, P. E. F. Collins, L. Sagnotti and D. Pantosti   NA
New coring study in Augusta Bay expands understanding of offshore tsunami deposits (Eastern Sicily, Italy)
Sedimentology 67 3 1553-1576 Apr 2020

Yan X.X., T. L. Yang, Y. Xu, L. Tosi, E. Stouthamer, H. Andreas, P. Minderhoud, A. Ladawadee, R. Hanssen, G. Erkens, P. Teatini, J. X. Lin, R. Boni, J. Chimpalee, X. L. Huang, C. Da Lio, C. Meisina and F. Zucca     VE
Advances and Practices on the Research, Prevention and Control of Land Subsidence in Coastal Cities
Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 94 1 162-175 Feb 2020

Insinga, D. D.; Petrosino, P.; Alberico, I; de Lange, G. J.; Lurritto, C.; et al.    NA
The Late Holocene tephra record of the central Mediterranean Sea: Mapping occurrences and new potential isochrons for the 4.4-2.0 ka time interval
Journal Of Quaternary Science, 35(1-2) 213-231 2020

Sprovieri M., S. Passaro, A. Ausili, L. Bergamin, M. G. Finoia, S. Gherardi, F. Molisso, E. M. Quinci, M. Sacchi, G. Sesta, F. Trincardi and E. Romano NA
Integrated approach of multiple environmental datasets for the assessment of sediment contamination in marine areas affected by long-lasting industrial activity: the case study of Bagnoli (southern Italy)
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 20, 1692–1705 2020

Maggi E., L. Bongiorni, D. Fontanini, A. Capocchi, M. Dal Bello, A. Giacomelli and L. Benedetti-Cecchi VE
Artificial light at night erases positive interactions across trophic levels
FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 34  694-706 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13485; 2020

Rumolo A., G. Forstenpointner, P. Rumolo and R. Jung NA
Palaeodiet reconstruction inferred by stable isotopes analysis of faunal and human remains at Bronze Age Punta di Zambrone (Calabria, Italy)
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Trincardi F., A. Amorosi, A. Bosman, A. Correggiari, F. Madricardo and C. Pellegrini BO-VE
Ephemeral rollover points and clinothem evolution in the modern Po Delta based on repeated bathymetric surveys
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Brunovic, D., S. Miko, O. Hasan, G. Papatheodorou, N. Ilijanic, S. Miserocchi, A. Correggiari and M. Geraga BO
Late Pleistocene and Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction of a drowned karst isolation basin (Losinj Channel, NE Adriatic Sea)
Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 544 Apr 2020

Di Fiore V., M. Punzo, G. Cavuoto, P. Galli, S. Mazzola, N. Pelosi and D. Tarallo NA
Geophysical approach to study the potential ocean wave-induced liquefaction: an example at Magoodhoo Island (Faafu Atoll, Maldives, Indian Ocean)
Marine Geophysical Research 41 2 Mar 2020

Leonardi M., A. Bergamasco, S. Giacobbe, F. Azzaro, A. Cosentino, A. Crupi, S. Lanza, G. Randazzo and E. Crisafi VE
A four decades multiparametric investigation in a Mediterranean dynamic ecosystem: Mollusc assemblages answer to the environmental changes
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 234 Mar 2020

Poulain PM, E. Mauri, R. Gerin, J. Chiggiato, K. Schroeder, A. Griffa, M. Borghini, E. Zambianchi, P. Falco, P. Testor and L. Mortier VE-SP-RM
On the dynamics in the southeastern Ligurian Sea in summer 2010
Continental Shelf Research 196 104083 May 2020

van Sebille E., S. Aliani, K. L. Law, N. Maximenko, J. M. Alsina, A. Bagaev, M. Bergmann, B. Chapron, I. Chubarenko, A. Cozar, P. Delandmeter, M. Egger, B. Fox-Kemper, S. P. Garaba, L. Goddijn-Murphy, B. D. Hardesty, M. J. Hoffman, A. Isobe, C. E. Jongedijk, M. L. A. Kaandorp, L. Khatmullina, A. A. Koelmans, T. Kukulka, C. Laufkotter, L. Lebreton, D. Lobelle, C. Maes, V. Martinez-Vicente, M. A. M. Maqueda, M. Poulain-Zarcos, E. Rodriguez, P. G. Ryan, A. L. Shanks, W. J. Shim, G. Suaria, M. Thiel, T. S. van den Bremer and D. Wichmann LS
The physical oceanography of the transport of floating marine debris
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Comparing geological and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry data of the Sele River coastal plain, southern Italy: Implications for recent subsidence trends
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Moura A.E., K. Shreves, M. Pilot, K. R. Andrews, D. M. Moore, T. Kishida, L. Moller, A. Natoli, S. Gaspari, M. McGowen, I. Chen, H. Gray, M. Gore, R. M. Culloch, M. S. Kiani, M. S. Willson, A. Bulushi, T. Collins, R. Baldwin, A. Willson, G. Minton, L. Ponnampalam and A. R. Hoelzel
Phylogenomics of the genus Tursiops and closely related Delphininae reveals extensive reticulation among lineages and provides inference about eco-evolutionary drivers
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 146 106756 May 2020

Ryan P.G., G. Suaria, V. Perold, A. Pierucci, T. G. Bornman and S. Aliani LS
Sampling microfibres at the sea surface: The effects of mesh size, sample volume and water depth
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Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vents: Geochemistry
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Carranza M. L., M. Drius, F. Marzialetti, M. Malavasi, M. C. de Francesco, A. T. R. Acosta and A. Stanisci VE
Urban expansion depletes cultural ecosystem services: an insight into a Mediterranean coastline
Rendiconti Lincei-Scienze Fisiche E Naturali 31 1 103-111 Mar 2020

Gomes H. I., V. Funari and R. Ferrari BO
Bioleaching for resource recovery from low-grade wastes like fly and bottom ashes from municipal incinerators: A SWOT analysis
Science of the Total Environment 715 May 2020

Perez-Asensio J. N., J. Frigola, L. D. Pena, F. J. Sierro, M. I. Reguera, F. J. Rodriguez-Tovar, J. Dorador, A. Asioli, J. Kuhlmann, K. Huhn and I. Cacho BO
Changes in western Mediterranean thermohaline circulation in association with a deglacial Organic Rich Layer formation in the Alboran Sea
Quaternary Science Reviews 228 Jan 2020

Serva F., C. Cagnazzo, B. Christiansen and S. T. Yang RM
The influence of ENSO events on the stratospheric QBO in a multi-model ensemble
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Bagaglini L., P. Falco and E. Zambianchi RM
Eddy Detection in HF Radar-Derived Surface Currents in the Gulf of Naples
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Bosman A., C. Romagnoli, F. Madricardo, A. Correggiari, A. Remia, R. Zubalich, S. Fogarin, A. Kruss and F. Trincardi VE-BO
Short-term evolution of Po della Pila delta lobe from time lapse high-resolution multibeam bathymetry (2013-2016)
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 233 Feb 2020

Capet A., V. Fernandez, J. She, T. Dabrowski, G. Umgiesser, J. Staneva, L. Meszaros, F. Campuzano, L. Ursella, G. Nolan and G. El Serafy VE
Operational Modeling Capacity in European Seas-An EuroGOOS Perspective and Recommendations for Improvement
Frontiers in Marine Science 7 Mar 2020

Fazi S., L. Baldassarre, D. Cassin, G. M. Quero, I. Pizzetti, T. Cibic, G. M. Luna, R. Zonta and P. Del Negro VE
Prokaryotic community composition and distribution in coastal sediments following a Po river flood event (northern Adriatic Sea, Italy)
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 233 Feb 2020

Mazoyer C., H. Vanneste, C. Dufresne, Y. Ourmieres, M. G. Magaldi and A. Molcard LS
Impact of wind-driven circulation on contaminant dispersion in a semi-enclosed bay
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 233 Feb 2020

Pisano A., S. Marullo, V. Artale, F. Falcini, C. X. Yang, F. E. Leonelli, R. Santoleri and B. B. Nardelli RM-NA
New Evidence of Mediterranean Climate Change and Variability from Sea Surface Temperature Observations
Remote Sensing 12 1 Jan 2020

Pitarch J., M. Bellacicco, E. Organelli, G. Volpe, S. Colella, V. Vellucci and S. Marullo RM
Retrieval of Particulate Backscattering Using Field and Satellite Radiometry: Assessment of the QAA Algorithm
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A 1782-1794 sea level record at Trieste (northern Adriatic)
History of Geo- and Space Sciences 11 1 1-14 Feb 2020

Zoppini A., L. Bongiorni, N. Ademollo, L. Patrolecco, T. Cibic, A. Franzo, M. Melita, M. Bazzaro and S. Amalfitano VE
Bacterial diversity and microbial functional responses to organic matter composition and persistent organic pollutants in deltaic lagoon sediments
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 233 Feb 2020


Danovaro R., E. Fanelli, M. Canals, T. Ciuffardi, M. C. Fabri, M. Taviani, M. Argyrou, E. Azzurro, S. Bianchelli, A. Cantafaro, L. Carugati, C. Corinaldesi, W. P. de Haan, A. Dell'Anno, J. Evans, F. Foglini, B. Galil, M. Gianni, M. Goren, S. Greco, J. Grimalt, Q. Guell-Bujons, A. Jadaud, L. Knittweis, J. L. Lopez, A. Sanchez-Vidal, P. J. Schembri, P. Snelgrove, S. Vaz and IDEM Consortium BO
Towards a marine strategy for the deep Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of current ecological status
Marine Policy 112, Article Number: 103781, Feb 2020

Uttieri M., L. Aguzzi, R. A. Cigliano, A. Amato, N. Bojanic, M. Brunetta, E. Camatti, Y. Carotenuto, T. Damjanovic, F. Delpy, A. de Olazabal, I. Di Capua, J. Falcao, M. L. F. de Puelles, G. Foti, O. Garbazey, A. Goruppi, A. Gubanova, E. Hubareva, A. Iriarte, A. Khanaychenko, D. Lucic, S. C. Marques, M. G. Mazzocchi, J. Mikus, R. Minutoli, M. Pagano, M. Pansera, I. Percopo, A. L. Primo, L. Svetlichny, S. Rozic, V. Tirelli, I. Uriarte, O. Vidjak, F. Villate, M. Wootton, G. Zagami and S. Zervoudaki VE
WGEUROBUS - Working Group "Towards a EURopean OBservatory of the non-indigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinUS"
Biological Invasions 22 3 885-906 Mar 2020

Matano F., M. Caccavale, G. Esposito, A. Fortelli, G. Scepi, M. Spano and M. Sacchi NA
Integrated dataset of deformation measurements in fractured volcanic tuff and meteorological data (Coroglio coastal cliff, Naples, Italy)
Earth System Science Data 12 1 321-344 Feb 2020

Bazzicalupo P., P. Maiorano, A. Girone, M. Marino, N. Combourieu-Nebout, N. Pelosi, E. Salgueiro and A. Incarbona NA
Holocene climate variability of the Western Mediterranean: Surface water dynamics inferred from calcareous plankton assemblages
Holocene. 30(5) 691708, 10.1177/0959683619895580, Jan 2020

Nasi F., L. Ferrante, F. Alvisi, E. Bonsdorff, R. Auriemma and T. Cibic BO
Macrofaunal bioturbation attributes in relation to riverine influence: What can we learn from the Po River lagoonal system (Adriatic Sea)?
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 232 Jan 2020

Rumolo P., I. A. Zappes, A. Fabiani, M. Barra, A. Rakaj, R. Palozzi and G. Allegrucci NA
The diet of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in Terra Nova Bay using stable isotope analysis
European Zoological Journal 87 1 94-104 Jan 2020

Suaria G., V. Perold, J. R. Lee, F. Lebouard, S. Aliani and P. G. Ryan LS
Floating macro- and microplastics around the Southern Ocean: Results from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition
Environment International 136 Article Number: UNSP 105494, 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105494, MAR 2020

Vassallo P., C. Paoli, S. Aliani, S. Cocito, C. Morri and C. N. Bianchi LS
Benthic diversity patterns and predictors: A study case with inferences for conservation
Marine Pollution Bulletin 150 Jan 2020

Acri F., M. Bastianini, F. B. Aubry, E. Camatti, A. Boldrin, C. Bergami, D. Cassin, A. De Lazzari, S. Finotto, A. Minelli, A. Oggioni, M. Pansera, A. Sarretta, G. Socal and A. Pugnetti VE-BO
A long-term (1965-2015) ecological marine database from the LTER-Italy Northern Adriatic Sea site: plankton and oceanographic observations
Earth System Science Data 12 1 215-230 Feb 2020

Basilone G., M. Barra, R. Ferreri, S. Mangano, M. Pulizzi, G. Giacalone, I. Fontana, S. Aronica, A. Gargano, P. Rumolo, S. Genovese and A. Bonanno NA
First annulus formation in the European anchovy; a two-stage approach for robust validation
Scientific Reports 10 1 Jan2020

Batsi E., A. Lomax, J. B. Tary, F. Klingelhoefer, V. Riboulot, S. Murphy, S. Monna, N. M. Ozel, H. Saritas, G. Cifci, N. Cagatay, L. Gasperini and L. Geli BO
Reply to "Comment on 'An Alternative View of the Microseismicity along the Western Main Marmara Fault' by E. Batsi et al." by Y. Yamamoto et al.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 110 1 383-386 Feb 2020

Giordano L. and L. Ferraro NA
Conservation or development? An environmental function analysis assessment of the Volturno River coastal zone (central Tyrrhenian Sea-Italy)
Journal of Coastal Conservation 24 1 Jan 2020

Milia A., S. Morabito and P. Petrosino NA
Late Pleistocene-Holocene climatic and volcanic events in the bathyal area of the Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea and the stratigraphic signature of the 39 ka Campanian Ignimbrite eruption
Global and Planetary Change 185 Jan 2020


Ferrarin C., A. Valentini, M. Vodopivec, D. Klaric, G. Massaro, M. Bajo, F. De Pascalis, A. Fadini, M. Ghezzo, S. Menegon, L. Bressan, S. Unguendoli, A. Fettich, J. Jerman, M. Licer, L. Fustar, A. Papa and E. Carraro VE
Integrated sea storm management strategy: the 29 October 2018 event in the Adriatic Sea Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 1 73-93 Jan 2020

Totaro F., I. Alberico, D. Di Martire, C. Nunziata and P. Petrosino NA
The key role of hazard indices and hotspot in disaster risk management: the case study of Napoli and Pozzuoli municipalities (Southern Italy) Journal of Maps 16 2 68-78 Jan 2020

Skolotnev S. G., A. Sanfilippo, A. A. Peyve, F. Muccini, S. Y. Sokolov, C. Sani, K. O. Dobroliubova, C. Ferrando, N. P. Chamov, C. Palmiotto, A. N. Pertsev, E. Bonatti, M. Cuffare, A. C. Gryaznova, K. N. Sholukhov, A. S. Bich and M. Ligi BO
Large-scale structure of the doldrums multi-fault transform system (7-8 degrees n equatorial Atlantic): preliminary results from the 45th expedition of the R/V A. N. Strakhov
Ofioliti 45 1 25-41 Jan 2020

Angeletti L., S. Canese, F. Cardone, G. Castellan, F. Foglini and M. Taviani BO
A brachiopod biotope associated with rocky bottoms at the shelf break in the central Mediterranean Sea: Geobiological traits and conservation aspects
Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 30, 402-411, DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3255. Jan 2020

Zitellini N., C. R. Ranero, M. F. Loreto, M. Ligi, M. Pastore, F. D'Oriano, V. Sallares, I. Grevemeyer, S. Moeller and M. Prada BO
Recent inversion of the Tyrrhenian Basin
Geology 48 2 123-127 Feb 2020

Romagnoli C., V. Belvisi, S. Innangi, G. Di Martino and R. Tonielli NA
New insights on the evolution of the Linosa volcano (Sicily Channel) from the study of its submarine portions
Marine Geology 419 Article Number: 106060, 10.1016/j.margeo.2019.106060 Jan 2020

la Forgia G., T. Tokyay, C. Adduce and G. Constantinescu RM
Bed shear stress and sediment entrainment potential for breaking of internal solitary waves
Advances in Water Resources 135 Jan 2020

Le Guen C., G. Suaria, R. B. Sherley, P. G. Ryan, S. Aliani, L. Boehme and A. S. Brierley LS
Microplastic study reveals the presence of natural and synthetic fibres in the diet of King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) foraging from South Georgia
Environment International 134, Article Number: UNSP 105303 Jan 2020

Depellegrin D., S. Menegon, L. Gusatu, S. Roy and I. Misiune     VE
Assessing marine ecosystem services richness and exposure to anthropogenic threats in small sea areas: A case study for the Lithuanian sea space,
Ecological Indicators, 108, Unsp 105730 Jan 2020

Aguzzi, J.; Ivesa, N.; Gelli, M.; Costa, C.; Gavrilovic, A.; Cukrov, N.; Cukrov, M.; Cukrov, Nu; Omanovic, D.; Stifanic, M.; Marini, S.; Piria, M.; Azzurro, E.; Fanelli, E.; Danovaro, R. LS
Ecological video monitoring of Marine Protected Areas by underwater cabled surveillance cameras
MARINE POLICY 104052 119 10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104052 SEP 2020

Antonioli, Fabrizio; De Falco, Giovanni; Lo Presti, Valeria; Moretti, Lorenzo; Scardino, Giovanni; Anzidei, Marco; Bonaldo, Davide; Carniel, Sandro; Leoni, Gabriele; Furlani, Stefano; Marsico, Antonella; Petitta, Marcello; Randazzo, Giovanni; Scicchitano, Giovanni; Mastronuzzi, Giuseppe VE
Relative Sea-Level Rise and Potential Submersion Risk for 2100 on 16 Coastal Plains of the Mediterranean Sea
WATER 2173 12 8 10.3390/w12082173 AUG 2020

Giardino, Claudia; Bresciani, Mariano; Braga, Federica; Fabbretto, Alice; Ghirardi, Nicola; Pepe, Monica; Gianinetto, Marco; Colombo, Roberto; Cogliati, Sergio; Ghebrehiwot, Semhar; Laanen, Marnix; Peters, Steef; Schroeder, Thomas; Concha, Javier A.; Brando, Vittorio E. RM-VE
First Evaluation of PRISMA Level 1 Data for Water ApplicationsSENSORS 4553 20 16 10.3390/s20164553 AUG 2020

Grilli, Federica; Accoroni, Stefano; Acri, Francesco; Aubry, Fabrizio Bernardi; Bergami, Caterina; Cabrini, Marina; Campanelli, Alessandra; Giani, Michele; Guicciardi, Stefano; Marini, Mauro; Neri, Francesca; Penna, Antonella; Penna, Pierluigi; Pugnetti, Alessandra; Ravaioli, Mariangela; Riminucci, Francesco; Ricci, Fabio; Totti, Cecilia; Viaroli, Pierluigi; Cozzi, Stefano TS-VE-BO
Seasonal and Interannual Trends of Oceanographic Parameters over 40 Years in the Northern Adriatic Sea in Relation to Nutrient Loadings Using the EMODnet Chemistry Data PortalWATER 2280 12 8 10.3390/w12082280 AUG 2020

Stanghellini, Giuseppe; Del Bianco, Fabrizio; Gasperini, Luca BO
OpenSWAP, an Open Architecture, Low Cost Class of Autonomous Surface Vehicles for Geophysical Surveys in the Shallow Water EnvironmentREMOTE SENSING 2575 12 16 10.3390/rs12162575 AUG 2020

Angeletti, Lorenzo; Castellan, Giorgio; Montagna, Paolo; Remia, Alessandro; Taviani, Marco BO
The "Corsica Channel Cold-Water Coral Province" (Mediterranean Sea)
FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE 661 7 10.3389/fmars.2020.00661 AUG 20 2020

Prampolini, Mariacristina; Savini, Alessandra; Foglini, Federica; Soldati, Mauro BO
Seven Good Reasons for Integrating Terrestrial and Marine Spatial Datasets in Changing Environments
WATER 2221 12 8 10.3390/w12082221 AUG 2020

Mancusi, Cecilia; Baino, Romano; Fortuna, Caterina; De Sola, Luis Gil; Morey, Gabriel; Bradai, Mohamed Nejmeddine; Kallianotis, Argyrios; Soldo, Alen; Hemida, Farid; Saad, Adib Ali; Dimech, Mark; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Bariche, Michel; Clo, Simona; De Sabata, Eleonora; Castellano, Laura; Garibaldi, Fulvio; Lanteri, Luca; Tinti, Fausto; Pais, Antonio; Sperone, Emilio; Micarelli, Primo; Poisson, Francois; Sion, Letizia; Carlucci, Roberto; Cebrian-Menchero, Daniel; Seret, Bernard; Ferretti, Francesco; El-Far, Alaa; Saygu, Ismet; Shakman, Esmail A.; Bartoli, Alex; Guallart, Javier; Damalas, Dimitrios; Megalofonou, Persefoni; Vacchi, Marino; Colloca, Francesco; Bottaro, Massimiliano; Di Sciara, Giuseppe Notarbartolo; Follesa, Maria Cristina; Cannas, Rita; Kabasakal, Hakan; Zava, Bruno; Cavlan, Graziella; Jung, Armelle; Abudaya, Mohammed; Kolitari, Jerina; Barash, Adi; Joksimovic, Aleksandar; Cetkovic, Ilija; Marceta, Bojan; Gonzalez Vilas, Luis; Tiralongo, Francesco; Giovos, Ioannis; Bargnesi, Filippo; Lelli, Stefano; Barone, Monica; Moro, Stefano; Mazzoldi, Carlotta; Charis, Charilaou; Abella, Alvaro Juan; Serena, Fabrizio RM
MEDLEM database, a data collection on large Elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean and Black seas
MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE 21 2 10.12681/mms.21148 2020

Aguzzi, J.; Ivesa, N.; Gelli, M.; Costa, C.; Gavrilovic, A.; Cukrov, N.; Cukrov, M.; Cukrov, Nu; Omanovic, D.; Stifanic, M.; Marini, S.; Piria, M.; Azzurro, E.; Fanelli, E.; Danovaro, R. LS
Ecological video monitoring of Marine Protected Areas by underwater cabled surveillance cameras
MARINE POLICY 104052 119 10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104052 SEP 2020

Antonioli, Fabrizio; De Falco, Giovanni; Lo Presti, Valeria; Moretti, Lorenzo; Scardino, Giovanni; Anzidei, Marco; Bonaldo, Davide; Carniel, Sandro; Leoni, Gabriele; Furlani, Stefano; Marsico, Antonella; Petitta, Marcello; Randazzo, Giovanni; Scicchitano, Giovanni; Mastronuzzi, Giuseppe VE
Relative Sea-Level Rise and Potential Submersion Risk for 2100 on 16 Coastal Plains of the Mediterranean Sea
WATER 2173 12 8 10.3390/w12082173 AUG 2020

Giardino, Claudia; Bresciani, Mariano; Braga, Federica; Fabbretto, Alice; Ghirardi, Nicola; Pepe, Monica; Gianinetto, Marco; Colombo, Roberto; Cogliati, Sergio; Ghebrehiwot, Semhar; Laanen, Marnix; Peters, Steef; Schroeder, Thomas; Concha, Javier A.; Brando, Vittorio E. RM-VE
First Evaluation of PRISMA Level 1 Data for Water ApplicationsSENSORS 4553 20 16 10.3390/s20164553 AUG 2020

Grilli, Federica; Accoroni, Stefano; Acri, Francesco; Aubry, Fabrizio Bernardi; Bergami, Caterina; Cabrini, Marina; Campanelli, Alessandra; Giani, Michele; Guicciardi, Stefano; Marini, Mauro; Neri, Francesca; Penna, Antonella; Penna, Pierluigi; Pugnetti, Alessandra; Ravaioli, Mariangela; Riminucci, Francesco; Ricci, Fabio; Totti, Cecilia; Viaroli, Pierluigi; Cozzi, Stefano TS-VE-BO
Seasonal and Interannual Trends of Oceanographic Parameters over 40 Years in the Northern Adriatic Sea in Relation to Nutrient Loadings Using the EMODnet Chemistry Data PortalWATER 2280 12 8 10.3390/w12082280 AUG 2020

Stanghellini, Giuseppe; Del Bianco, Fabrizio; Gasperini, Luca BO
OpenSWAP, an Open Architecture, Low Cost Class of Autonomous Surface Vehicles for Geophysical Surveys in the Shallow Water EnvironmentREMOTE SENSING 2575 12 16 10.3390/rs12162575 AUG 2020

Angeletti, Lorenzo; Castellan, Giorgio; Montagna, Paolo; Remia, Alessandro; Taviani, Marco BO
The "Corsica Channel Cold-Water Coral Province" (Mediterranean Sea)
FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE 661 7 10.3389/fmars.2020.00661 AUG 20 2020

Prampolini, Mariacristina; Savini, Alessandra; Foglini, Federica; Soldati, Mauro BO
Seven Good Reasons for Integrating Terrestrial and Marine Spatial Datasets in Changing Environments
WATER 2221 12 8 10.3390/w12082221 AUG 2020

Mancusi, Cecilia; Baino, Romano; Fortuna, Caterina; De Sola, Luis Gil; Morey, Gabriel; Bradai, Mohamed Nejmeddine; Kallianotis, Argyrios; Soldo, Alen; Hemida, Farid; Saad, Adib Ali; Dimech, Mark; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Bariche, Michel; Clo, Simona; De Sabata, Eleonora; Castellano, Laura; Garibaldi, Fulvio; Lanteri, Luca; Tinti, Fausto; Pais, Antonio; Sperone, Emilio; Micarelli, Primo; Poisson, Francois; Sion, Letizia; Carlucci, Roberto; Cebrian-Menchero, Daniel; Seret, Bernard; Ferretti, Francesco; El-Far, Alaa; Saygu, Ismet; Shakman, Esmail A.; Bartoli, Alex; Guallart, Javier; Damalas, Dimitrios; Megalofonou, Persefoni; Vacchi, Marino; Colloca, Francesco; Bottaro, Massimiliano; Di Sciara, Giuseppe Notarbartolo; Follesa, Maria Cristina; Cannas, Rita; Kabasakal, Hakan; Zava, Bruno; Cavlan, Graziella; Jung, Armelle; Abudaya, Mohammed; Kolitari, Jerina; Barash, Adi; Joksimovic, Aleksandar; Cetkovic, Ilija; Marceta, Bojan; Gonzalez Vilas, Luis; Tiralongo, Francesco; Giovos, Ioannis; Bargnesi, Filippo; Lelli, Stefano; Barone, Monica; Moro, Stefano; Mazzoldi, Carlotta; Charis, Charilaou; Abella, Alvaro Juan; Serena, Fabrizio RM
MEDLEM database, a data collection on large Elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean and Black seas
MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE 21 2 10.12681/mms.21148 2020

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