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Progetti in corso ALTRI PROGR

progetto 3D-pathways

Vertical velocities and 3D pathways from Lagrangian and microstructure data

progetto BlueS_Med

Supporting the development of socially-inclusive Blue Challenges in schools in the Mediterranean Sea-basin

progetto LIFE-DREAM

Deep REef restoration And litter removal in the Mediterranean sea

progetto MSP-GREEN

Maritime Spatial Planning as enabler of the European Green Dea

progetto MSP-MED

Towards the operational implementation of MSP in our common Mediterranean Sea

progetto PETRI-MED

Plankton biodivErsity Through Remote sensing and omIcs in the MEDiterranean sea

progetto REGINA-MSP

Regions to boost National Maritime Spatial Planning

progetto REMAP

Reviewing and Evaluating the Monitoring and Assessment of Maritime Spatial Planning

progettop ZIFIO-ONR

Vital Rates of Cuvier’s beaked whales: A multi-regional comparative assessment
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