Completed projects - OTHER PROGRAMMES
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Contrasting Southern European Deep-Sea Environments: from viruses to megafauna
Pan-Mediterranean Acoustic Survey
Integrated river basin and coastal zone managements system: Montenegro coastal area and Bojana river catchment
Earthquake and tsunami hazards of active faults at the south Iberian margin: deep structure, high resolution imaging and paleo-seismic signature
Adriatic Ionian maritime spatial planning
Transition from a continental to an oceanic rift: geology and bio-geochemistry of the Northern Red Sea
Plate re-organization in the western Mediterranean: Lithospheric causes and topographic consequences
Fishing and aquaculture-Oriented Research Capacity in Egypt
Information collection in Energy Efficiency for Fisheries
Technical specifications of Mediterranean trawl gears
Corrosion Control for Navy Ships
Pan-Mediterranean Acoustic Survey
Understanding and Manipulating Enzymatic and Proteomic Processes in Biomineralization
Reconstructing the evolution and dynamics of the Antarctic cryospherefrom Ocean Drilling; a dinoflagellate perspective
Design of a Stereo Wave Imaging System to be Installed at the Gageocho Ors For Space-Time Observation of Oceanic Waves
Towards the establishment of Marine Protected Area Networks in the eastern Mediterranean
Implementation of the MSFD to the deep Mediterranean Sea
Developing novel socio-environmental indicators and management tools for a sustainable aquaculture
Analysis of stereo wave imaging data for the characterization of rogue waves during extreme wave conditions, including typhoons