E-fishing 2012. 2° Simposio Internazionale sull'Efficienza energetica delle imbarcazioni da pesca
Vigo, Spain, 22nd - 24th of May 2012. Deadline per la ricezione degli extended abstract posticipata al 1 dicembre 2012
- EnvEurope Article "Harmonious methods" on International Innovation Magazine
Friday 31 August 2012Alessandra Pugnetti (CNR-ISMAR), Michael Mirtl and Ricardo Díaz-Delgado discuss their work coordinating EnvEurope, a pan-European case study into ecological research methods and monitoring.
- Continental Shelf Research, Special Issue on Southern Adriatic
Thursday 09 August 2012Three Ismar papers on S.I. 44/2012
- Coral resilience: Ismar article on the italian edition of Scientific American
Wednesday 01 August 2012The monthly magazine reports and comments the news on the article recently issued by Nature Climate Change
- London Olympics: ISAC e ISMAR (CNR) for sailing races
Wednesday 01 August 2012The initiative promoted by the Italian Sailing Federation (FIV), to provide advanced marine weather forecasts to the Italian boats .