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E-fishing 2012. 2° Simposio Internazionale sull'Efficienza energetica delle imbarcazioni da pesca

Vigo, Spain, 22nd - 24th of May 2012. Deadline per la ricezione degli extended abstract posticipata al 1 dicembre 2012

EnvEurope Article "Harmonious methods" on International Innovation Magazine
Friday 31 August 2012
Alessandra Pugnetti (CNR-ISMAR), Michael Mirtl and Ricardo Díaz-Delgado discuss their work coordinating EnvEurope, a pan-European case study into ecological research methods and monitoring.
Continental Shelf Research, Special Issue on Southern Adriatic
Thursday 09 August 2012
Three Ismar papers on S.I. 44/2012
Coral resilience: Ismar article on the italian edition of Scientific American
Wednesday 01 August 2012
The monthly magazine reports and comments the news on the article recently issued by Nature Climate Change
London Olympics: ISAC e ISMAR (CNR) for sailing races
Wednesday 01 August 2012
The initiative promoted by the Italian Sailing Federation (FIV), to provide advanced marine weather forecasts to the Italian boats .
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