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Magellan Plus Workshop: RELICT

Seminario sul ruolo dell'eredità litosferica nell'iniziazione alla subduzione. Il ruolo di Ismar-CNR. Lisbona, 12-13 settembre 2019

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Magellan Plus Workshop: RELICT

Nevio Zitellini e Maria Filomena Loreto sono tra i proponenti del workshop che ha lo scopo di creare una discussione positiva per la preparazione di una proposta IODP.

RELICT has the aim to discuss the rationale to submit an IODP multiple drill proposal to retrieve cores across the continental Moho in the SW Iberia rifted Margin, the Ocean-Continent Transition (OCT) and the Africa-Eurasia transform-subduction plate boundary in the Atlantic.
The workshop is a timely fit with the JOIDES RESOLUTION’s timeline (drilling in 2023-2024 in the North Atlantic), and offers the possibility to tackle fundamental questions such as the nature of the lithospheric mantle in hyper-extended continental margins and OCT, and subduction initiation at transform faults.

Il seminario si svolgerà dal 12 al 13 settembre 2019 a Lisbona, in Portogallo.

Marc-André Gutscher, Nevio Zitellini (CNR-Ismar)
Geological setting of SW Iberia – an overview from rifting-drifting through Alpine orogeny to Present Margin reactivation

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