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Quantitative animal ecology in the presence of imperfect detection

Seminario di Simone Tenan (ISMAR-CNR). Organizzato dalla sede di Roma e fruibile on line. Piattaforma Webex 9/9/2020 Ore 11

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Quantitative animal ecology in the presence of imperfect detection



Simone Tenan



Quantitative animal ecology in the presence of imperfect detection

Piattaforma Webex 09/09/2020 Ore 11


A scientific approach to conservation of biodiversity is based on quantitative assessment of endogenous processes and exogenous stochastic forces driving spatial-temporal population and community dynamics. The talk will overview some state-of-the-art methods for inference about demographic rates, population growth and abundance, as well as community size and structure, and highlight my recent research activity in the field of (animal) population and community ecology.

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