Venezia continua a sprofondare
Allarme da studio californiano; Cnr-Ismar, 'dati non preoccupanti' : L'articolo originale - La risposta di LTosi CNR-Ismar Venezia
Thursday 22 March 2012
Luigi Tosi, Ricercatore presso la Sede di Venezia del'Istituto del CNR, Ismar, risponde alle osservazioni dei ricercatori californiani dello Scripps Institution of Oceanography dell'università della California, dell'università di Miami e dell'azienda italiana Telerilevamento Europa, pubblicate su 28 marzo su Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems il 28 marzo
La notizia pubblicata dall'ANSA
Bock, Y., S. Wdowinski, A. Ferretti, F. Novali, and A. Fumagalli
Recent Subsidence of the Venice Lagoon from Continuous GPS and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture RadarGeochem.
Geophys. Geosyst., doi:10.1029/2011GC003976, in press.
[Abstract] [PDF] (accepted 8 February 2012)
Per approfondimenti sul processo sul processo di subsidenza dell’area veneziana segue una lista di articoli selezionati scritti
dai ricercatori ISMAR CNR
Title: Integrating Geotechnical and Interferometric SAR Measurements for Secondary Compressibility Characterization of Coastal Soils
Author(s): L. Tosi, P. Teatini, L. Bincoletto, P. Simonini and T. Strozzi
DOI: 10.1007/s10712-012-9186-y
Title: Resolving land subsidence within the Venice Lagoon by persistent scatterer SAR interferometry
Author(s): Teatini Pietro, P.; Tosi, Luigi; Strozzi, T.; Carbognin; Cecconi, G.; Rosselli, R.; Libardo S.
Source: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2010.01.002
Title: Quantitative evidence that compaction of Holocene sediments drives the present land subsidence of the Po Delta, Italy
Author(s): Teatini, P.; Tosi, L.; Strozzi, T.
Source: Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth Volume: 116 Published: 2011
DOI: B0840710.1029/2010jb008122
Title: Global change and relative sea level rise at Venice: what impact in term of flooding
Author(s): Carbognin, Laura; Teatini, Pietro; Tomasin, Alberto; Tosi, Luigi
Source: Climate Dynamics Volume: 35 Issue: 6 Pages: 1055-1063 Published: 2010
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-009-0617-5
Title: Ground surface dynamics in the northern Adriatic coastland over the last two decades
Author(s): Tosi, Luigi; Teatini, Pietro; Strozzi, Tazio; et al.
Source: Rendiconti Lincei-Scienze Fisiche E Naturali Volume: 21 Pages: 115-129 Published: 2010
DOI: 10.1007/s12210-010-0084-2
Title: TerraSAR-X reveals the impact of the mobile barrier works on Venice coastland stability
Author(s): Strozzi, Tazio; Teatini, Pietro; Tosi, Luigi
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment Volume: 113 Issue: 12 Pages: 2682-2688 Published: 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2009.08.001
Title: Using high resolution data to reveal depth-dependent mechanisms that drive land subsidence: The Venice coast, Italy
Author(s): Tosi, L.; Teatini, P.; Carbognin, L.; et al.
Source: Tectonophysics Volume: 474 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 271-284 Published: 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2009.02.026
Title: A new project to monitor land subsidence in the northern Venice coastland (Italy)
Author(s): Tosi, Luigi; Teatini, Pietro; Carbognin, Laura; et al.
Source: Environmental Geology Volume: 52 Issue: 5 Pages: 889-898 Published: 2007
DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0530-8
Title: Assessing short- and long-time displacements in the Venice coastland by synthetic aperture radar interferometric point target analysis
Author(s): Teatini, Pietro; Strozzi, Tazio; Tosi, Luigi; et al.
Source: Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface Volume: 112 Issue: F1 Published: 2007
DOI: F0101210.1029/2006jf000656
Title: Mapping regional land displacements in the Venice coastland by an integrated monitoring system
Author(s): Teatini, P.; Tosi, L.; Strozzi, T.; Carbognin, L; Wegmuller, U; Rizzetto, F
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment Volume: 98 Issue: 4 Pages: 403-413 Published: 2005
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2005.08.002
Title: Eustacy and land subsidence in the Venice Lagoon at the beginning ofthe new millennium
Author(s): Carbognin, L.; Teatini, P.; Tosi, L.
Source: Journal of Marine Systems Volume: 51 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 345-353 Published: 2004
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2004.05.021
Title: Evidence of the present relative land stability of Venice, Italy, from land, sea, and space observations
Author(s): Tosi, L.; Carbognin, L.; Teatini, P.; et al.
Source: Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 29 Issue: 12 Published: 2002
DOI: 156210.1029/2001gl013211