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3rd Workshop KULTURISK.

Benefits of disaster prevention measures: consolidating and widening an innovative risk assessment methodology', Venice, ISMAR Headquarters - 19-20 September 2013.

Monday 09 September 2013

3rd Workshop KULTURISK.
Effective strategies and plans of Disaster Risk Reduction are built on a good understanding about the risks a community is facing. This understanding can only be achieved through a Risk Assessments methodology that considers the multi-faceted physical/environmental, social and economic aspects.
The aim of the two days workshop is to present the Risk Assessment methodology developed by KULTURisk and to discuss it with the main national and European stakeholders and experts of different natural hazards.
The workshop will be articulated into three main sessions:
  1. Towards a new culture of prevention: from international DRR strategies to local implementation
  2. KULTURisk methodology for assessing the benefits of prevention measures
  3. From water-related hazards to other natural hazards
The event is open to both members and non members of the projects. The participation is free, after registration approval. Deadline for the registration is the 15th September 2013.

KULTURisk Project

The KULTURisk project aims at supporting the spreading of a culture of prevention, by offering the possibility to evaluate the actual economic, environmental, cultural and social benefits of different risk reduction measures. This evaluation is carried out with the use of a comprehensive risk assessment methodology. The KULTURisk methodology has been developed and validated on water-related hazards (i.e. floods, debris flows and landslides, storm surges), in different European case studies and with different receptors/elements at risk (i.e. people, economic activities, cultural heritage, natural and semi-natural systems). One objective of the project is to generalize this methodology and explore the applicability of the KULTURisk approach to different types of natural hazards, like earthquakes, forest fires, etc.

Project's website:

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