Collaborative Interoperable Geographic Node
The new geo-portal CIGNo is now online:
Tuesday 22 May 2012
The CIGNO (Collaborative Interoperable Geographic NOde) geoportal system is proposed to implement a system for heterogeneous multimedia data and metadata management (scientific and geographical, textual documents, tables, etc...). CIGNO can help users (stakeholders, administrators, scientists) to consult and exploit the scientific information provided by the ISMAR researchers.
The CIGNO-ISMAR system offers a catalogue of metadata and data, both geographic and non-geographic, uploaded directly by the users; it allows the creation of sharing services standards (OGC wms, wcs, wfs) and the eventual download of the resource (only for ISMAR users). CIGNO also allows the composition and visualization of maps created using geographic data available on CIGNO or on external servers.