Science Festival within the Biennale of Mediterranean
The Science Festival is the main event of the Biennale of the Mediterranean to be held in Genoa on the initiative of the Foreign Office. ISMAR will attend the Festival in a joint effort with the CNR Research Area of Bologna with a laboratory that reproduces the experience of the project "The language of research"
- A commentary on Bioremediation in marine ecosystems
Monday 19 January 2015L'articolo di M. Taffi, M. Marini et al. al General Commentary Article della rivista Frontiers in Genetics
- Marine regime shifts around the globe
Friday 16 January 2015A. Conversi (Ismar-CNR) lead editor della S.I. di Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. La press release del Plymouth University's Marine Institute
- Ecosistemi marini: più che l'inquinamento, poté il riscaldamento
Tuesday 13 January 2015Comunicato stampa CNR sul lavoro uscito nel volume tematico di Philosophical Transactions B edito da A.Conversi (CNR-Ismar) et al. Rassegna stampa conseguita
- Un palo al Polo, avamposto della ricerca italiana
Monday 12 January 2015Articolo su National Geographic - Sonda CNR
- Il Mediterraneo si scalda, calano le gorgonie
Thursday 08 January 2015F.Boero su La, il contributo di CNR-Ismar e del progetto Co.Co.Net