Terzo convegno dei geologi marini italiani dal titolo “La Geologia marina in Italia”
21-22 febbraio 2019, Sala Marconi e Digital Gallery, CNR - Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 - Roma
- Invite to contribute to the Special issue
Thursday 31 December 2020Human Footprint on the Seafloor – An Outlook from Underwater Mapping Observations. Guest Editors F. Madricardo e F. Foglini (CNR-Ismar). Dead line 30 November 2021
- Decomposing fecundity and evaluating demographic influence of multiple broods in a migratory bird
Thursday 31 December 2020A new paper on ournal of Animal Ecology by S. Tenan (CNR-Ismar) provides insight into the reproductive processes of a migratory bird and its impact on population dynamics.
- Metrics for short-term coastal characterization, protection and planning decisions of Sentina Natural Reserve, Italy"
Thursday 31 December 2020Article published on the Open access journal: 'Ocean & Coastal Management' (Volume 201, 15 February 2021)