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Focaccia Paola

Focaccia Paola

Degree in Geological Sciences 2002, University of Bologna
Master on “Technologies for geological-environmental Monitoring”, 2004, ECAP and University of Ferrara

Institute of Marine Sciences – National Research Council-Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy

Phone +39 051 6398860

  • Technical and financial project management and dissemination;
  • Sampling and sub-sampling of marine sediments (box-corer, corer SW-104, gravity corer, grab)
  • Analysis on the carbon, nitrogen contents and stable isotopes ratios (δ13C and δ15N) on marine sediments
  • Radiochemical analysis (Th-230/U-234 and Po-210) and alfa/gamma spectrometry on marine sediment samples

She’s co-author of 31 between abstracts and posters presented in national and international conferences and about of 24 technical reports in national and international projects. She has collaborated for the realization of popularization documents (brochures, posters, layman) and CDs.
An updated list of his recent papers is available, when permitted, in open access

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