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Palmiotto Camilla

2014. PhD in Earth Sciences, University of Bologna.
2010. Master degree in Geological Prospecting and Cartography, “La Sapienza”, University of Rome.
2007. Bachelor degree in Earth Sciences, “La Sapienza” University of Rome.

Institute of Marine Science - National Research Council
Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy

Phone +39 051 6398862


I work in the field of geology, marine geophysics and geodynamics of the oceans. During my training, my research focused on the study of divergent and transform plate boundaries, particularly in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Vema, St. Paul and Romanche transforms. This research has been realized through: bathymetric studies of the ocean floor; creation of maps of the distribution of gravity anomalies along low and ultraslow  spreading centers and transform faults, in order to estimate crustal thickness; interpretation of magnetic anomalies along the mid-ocean ridges to understan the relationship between the rate of initiation and magmatic input of the ridge; interpretation of  geochemical and petrographic data on basaltic glasses dredged along the mid-ocean ridges in order to acquire information on the formation and migration of the melt and cooling and differentiation of magma near the surface; reconstruction of the geometry of plate-boundaries and study of the major  vertical tectonic movements of the oceanic lithosphere that are responsible for the formation of  oceanic non-volcanic or tectonic islands


After the PhD, I work on the morphotectonics of the Red Sea and of the Tyrrhenian Sea, analysing bathymetric and seismic reflection data.


1)      C. Palmiotto, L. Corda and E. Bonatti (2016). Oceanic Tectonic Islands, Terra Nova, DOI:10.1111/ter.12247.

2)      L. Corda and C. Palmiotto (2015). Rhodalgal-Foramol facies in equatorial carbonates: insights from Miocene tectonic islands of the central Atlantic, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.03.039.

3)      D.K. Smith, H. Schouten, H.J.B. Dick, J. Cann, V. Salters, H.R. Marshall, F. Ji, D. Yoeger, A. Sanfilippo, R. Parnell-Turner, C. Palmiotto, A. Zheleznov, H. Bai, W. Junkin, S. Curry, B. Urann, M. Sulanowska, S. Dick (2014). Development and evolution of detachment faulting along 65 km of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 16.5ºN, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, doi: 10.1002/2014GC005563.

1)      C. Palmiotto, L. Corda and E. Bonatti (2016). Oceanic Tectonic Islands, Terra Nova, DOI:10.1111/ter.12247.

2)      L. Corda and C. Palmiotto (2015). Rhodalgal-Foramol facies in equatorial carbonates: insights from Miocene tectonic islands of the central Atlantic, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.03.039.

3)      D.K. Smith, H. Schouten, H.J.B. Dick, J. Cann, V. Salters, H.R. Marshall, F. Ji, D. Yoeger, A. Sanfilippo, R. Parnell-Turner, C. Palmiotto, A. Zheleznov, H. Bai, W. Junkin, S. Curry, B. Urann, M. Sulanowska, S. Dick (2014). Development and evolution of detachment faulting along 65 km of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 16.5ºN, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, doi: 10.1002/2014GC005563.

4)      R. Parnell-Turner, J. R. Cann, D. K. Smith, H. Schouten, D. Yoerger, C. Palmiotto, A. Zheleznov, H. Bai, (2014). Sedimentation rate tests tectonic models of oceanic detachment faulting, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2014GL061555.

5)      C. Palmiotto, L. Corda, M. Ligi, A. Cipriani, H.J.B. Dick, E. Douville, L. Gasperini, P. Montagna, F. Thil, A. Borsetti, B. Balestra, and E. Bonatti (2013). Nonvolcanic tectonic islands in ancient and modern oceans, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, doi: 10.1002/ggge.20279.

6)      R. Parnell-Turner, C. Palmiotto, A. Zheleznov, D. Smith, M. Fowler, D. Bonnemains, K. Bursaw, C. Holly, R. Dziak (2012). Seismicity of the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its Large OffsetTransforms, InterRidge News, vol.12, 24 – 27.


Articoli Divulgativi

1)      Bonatti, E. & C. Palmiotto, (2014). Perchè esistono le isole negli oceani?, Sapere, vol.1, 10 – 15.

2)      D. K. Smith, H. Schouten, H. J. B. Dick, J. R. Cann, V. Salters, H. R. Marschall, F. Ji, D. Yoeger, A. Sanflippo, R. Parnell-Turner, C. Palmiotto, A. Zheleznov, H. Bai, B. Urann, W. Junkin, S. Dick , M. Sulanowska, P. Lemmond, S. Curry (2013). Development of different modes of detachment faulting, 16.5N at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, InterRidge News, vol.13, 21 – 26.

3)      R. Parnell-Turner, C. Palmiotto, A. Zheleznov, D. Smith, M. Fowler, D. Bonnemains, K. Bursaw, C. Holly, R. Dziak (2012). Seismicity of the Equatorial Mid-AtlanticRidge and its Large OffsetTransforms, InterRidge News, vol.12, 24 – 27.


Abstract Convegni

1)      C. Palmiotto, M.F. Loreto, S. D’Angelo, A. Fiorentino (2016). A comprehensive morphotectonic image of the Tyrrhenian Back-Arc Basin, SGI 2016 (Naples, Italy).

2)      C. Palmiotto, L. Corda, E. Bonatti (2016). Cyclic Life of Shallow-Water Carbonate Platforms along Oceanic Fracture Zones, SGI 2016 (Naples, Italy).

3)      E. Bonatti, M. Ligi, C. Palmiotto (2016). Oceanic Megatransforms: A new type of plate boundary, SGI 2016 (Naples, Italy).

1)      C. Palmiotto (2016). Ricerche di geologia marina negli Oceani, Primo Convegno di Geologia Marina in Italia (Rome, Italy).

2)      M. Ligi, E. Bonatti, W. Bosworth, M.Y. Cai, A. Cipriani, C. Palmiotto, N. Rasul, S. Ronca, A. Sanfilippo, M. Seyler, S. Nomani, S., A. Alqutub (2015 ). Oceanization starts from below during continental rupturing in the northern Red Sea ( AGU Fall Meeting - San Francisco, USA).

3)      C. Palmiotto, H. Schouten, D.K. Smith, J. Cann,  H.J.B. Dick, R. Parnell-Turner (2013). Spreading rate versus magma supply in the Region of Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 16.5° N, AGU, (San Francisco, CA, USA).

4)      R. Parnell-Turner, J. Cann, D.K. Smith, H.J.B. Dick, H. Schouten, C. Palmiotto, D. Yoerger (2013). Oceanic detachment faulting and associated processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges, AGU, (San Francisco, CA, USA).

5)      A. Zheleznov, D.K. Smith, C. Palmiotto, R. Parnell-Turner, H. Schouten, J. Cann, R.P. Dziak, H.J.B. Dick, H. Bai (2013). Tectonically active terrains on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Geologia dei Mari e degli Oceani - Proceedings of XX International Conference on Marine Geology, (University of Moscow, Russia).

6)      A. Sanfilippo, C. Palmiotto, D.K. Smith, H. Schouten, H.J.B. Dick, J. Cann, H.R. Marshall, V. Salters, F. Ji, A. Zheleznov, R. Parnell-Turner, S. Curry, H. Bai, W. Junkin, B. Urann, M. Sulanowska, S. Dick (2013). Linkage between detachment faulting and magmatism in the central Mid-Atlantic Ridge (16.5° region, Atlantic Ocean): preliminary data of cruise KNR21-05 (part II), FIST (Pisa, Italy).

7)      C. Palmiotto, A. Sanfilippo, D.K. Smith, H. Schouten, H.J.B. Dick, J. Cann, H.R. Marshall, V. Salters, F. Ji, A. Zheleznov,, R. Parnell-Turner, S. Curry, H. Bai, W. Junkin, B. Urann, M. Sulanowska, S. Dick (2013). Linkage between detachment faulting and magmatism in the central Mid-Atlantic Ridge (16.5° region, Atlantic Ocean): preliminary data of cruise KNR21-05 (part I), FIST (Pisa, Italy).

8)      C. Palmiotto, L. Corda, M. Ligi, A. Cipriani, H.J.B. Dick, E. Douville, L. Gasperini, P. Montagna, F. Thil, E. Bonatti (2013). Ancient and modern oceanic islands: a classification, FIST (Pisa, Italy).

9)      D.K. Smith, R. Dziak, C. Palmiotto, R. Parnell-Turner, A. Zheleznov (2012). The seismicity of the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its Large-Offsets Transform, AGU, (San Francisco, CA, USA).

10)  A. Zheleznov, D.K. Smith, R. Parnell-Turner, D. Bonnemains, C. Palmiotto, M. Fowler, K. Bursaw, C. Holly, R. Dziak (2012). Morphology of the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its Large Offsets Transform, Gebco Conference, (Monaco, France).

11)  C. Palmiotto, E. Bonatti, A. Cipriani, L. Corda, P. Montagna (2012). Strontium isotope determinations: dating of limestones of Vema and Romanche paleoislands (Equatorial Atlantic), SAYCS, (Riccione, Italy).

12)  E. Bonatti, A. Cipriani, L. Corda., P. Montagna & C. Palmiotto (2011). Foramol facies in Equatoral Carbonates: insights from Miocene Atlantic, 14th Bathurst Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologist (University of Bristol, UK).


Key Notes Convegni

1)      M. Ligi, E. Bonatti, W. Bosworth, Y. Cai, A. Cipriani, C. Palmiotto, S. Ronca, A. Sanfilippo and M. Seyler (Key Note). Oceanization starts from below during continental rupturing in the Red Sea, in Il Pianeta Dinamico: sviluppi e prospettive a 100 anni da Wegener, Congresso congiunto SIMP-AIV-SoGeI-SGI, Firenze, 2-4 Settembre, 2015, Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, 35 (Suppl. 2), 47, 2015.

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