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Albani A.D. (1), Donnici S. (2), Serandrei Barbero R. (2), Rickwood P.C. (1) (2010) Seabed sediments and foraminifera over the Lido Inlet: Comparison between 1983 and 2006 distribution patterns CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH (04600J0). 30(8); 847-858
Aliani S. (a), Bortoluzzi G. (b), Caramanna G. (c) , Raffa F. (d) (2010) Seawater dynamics and environmental settings after November 2002 gas eruption off Bottaro (Panarea, Aeolian Islands, Mediterranean Sea) CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH (04600J0). 30; 1338-1348
Amos C.L. (a), Umgiesser G. (b), Ferrarin C. (b), Thompson C.E.L. (a), Whitehouse R.J.S. (c), Sutherland T.F. (d), Bergamasco A. (e) (2010) The erosion rates of cohesive sediments in Venice lagoon, Italy CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH (04600J0). 30(8); 859-870
Amos C.L., Umgiesser G., Tosi L., Townend I.H. (2010) The coastal morphodynamics of Venice lagoon, Italy: An introduction CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH (04600J0). 30(8); 837-846
Amos, CL; Villatoro, M; Helsby, R; Thompson, CEL; Zaggia, L; Umgiesser, G; Venturini, V; Are, D; Sutherland, TF; Mazzoldi, A; Rizzetto, F (2010) The measurement of sand transport in two inlets of Venice lagoon, Italy ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE (03490J0). 87; 225-236
Ashford, J; La Mesa, M; Fach, BA; Jones, C; Everson, I (2010) Abrupt warming and salting of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water after 2005: Atmospheric forcings and lateral advection JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS (06049J0). 67; 1303-1315
Aubinet, M; Feigenwinter, C; Heinesch, B; Bernhofer, C; Canepa, E; Lindroth, A; Montagnani, L; Rebmann, C; Sedlak, P; Van Gorsel, E (2010) Direct advection measurements do not help to solve the night-time CO2 closure problem: Evidence from three different forests AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY (05988J0). 150; 655-664
Azzali M., Leonori I., Biagiotti I., De Felice A., Angiolillo M., Bottaro M. and Vacchi M. (2010) Target strength studies on Antarctic Silverfish (Pleuragramma antarcticum) in the Ross Sea CCAMLR SCIENCE (00083NN). 17; 75-104
Bajo, M. and G. Umgiesser (2010) Storm surge forecast through a combination of dynamic and neural network models OCEAN MODELLING (14085J0). 33; 1-9
Balestra, C; Casotti, R; Alonso-Saez, L; Celussi, M; Bastianini, M; Gasol, JM; Ianora, A (2010) The effect of polyunsaturated aldehydes on marine phytoplankton and bacteria. CYTOMETRY PART A (14008J0). 77A; 155-155
Bartzokas, A; Azzopardi, J; Bertotti, L; Buzzi, A; Cavaleri, L; Conte, D; Davolio, S; Dietrich, S; Drago, A; Drofa, O; Gkikas, A; Kotroni, V; Lagouvardos, K; Lolis, CJ; Michaelides, S; Miglietta, M; Mugnai, A; Music, S; Nikolaides, K; Porcu, F; Savvidou, (2010) The RISKMED project: philosophy, methods and products NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES (00040NN). 10; 1393-1401
Bellafiore D., Umgiesser G. (2010) Hydrodynamic coastal processes in the North Adriatic investigated with a 3D finite element model OCEAN DYNAMICS (00256NN). 60(2); 255-273
Bellucci L. G. (1), Giuliani S. (1), Mugnai C. (1), Frignani M. (1), Paolucci D. (2), Albertazzi S. (1), Ruiz Fernandez, A. C. (3) (2010) Anthropogenic Metal Delivery in Sediments of Porto Marghera and Venice Lagoon (Italy) SOIL & SEDIMENT CONTAMINATION (13374J0). 19(1); 42-57
Beuck L., Freiwald A., Taviani M. (2010) Spatiotemporal bioerosion patterns in deep-water scleractinians from off Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulia, Ionian Sea) DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY (10101J0). 57; 458-470
Bongiorni L., Mea M., Gambi C., Pusceddu A., Taviani M., Danovaro R. Year of publication: 2010 (2010) Deep-water scleractinian corals promote higher biodiversity in deep-sea meiofaunal assemblages along continental margins BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION (20070J0). 143; 1687-1700
Bortoluzzi G., Ligi M., Romagnoli C., Cocchi L., Casalbore D., Sgroi T., Cuffaro M., Caratori Tontini F., D'Oriano F., Ferrante V., Remia A., Riminucci F. (2010) Interactions between volcanism and tectonics in the western Aeolian sector, southern Tyrrhenian Sea GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL (09057J0). 183; 64-78
Bourne A., Lowe J., Trincardi F., Asioli A., Blockley S., Matthews I., Wulf S., Piva A., Vigliot (2010) Distal tephra record for the last ca 105,000 years from core PRAD 1-2 in the central Adriatic Sea implications for marine tephrostratigraphy QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS (06293J0). 29; 23-24
Brunelli D., Seyler M. (2010) Asthenospheric percolation of alkaline melts beneath the St. Paul region (Central Atlantic Ocean) EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS (33924J0). 289; 393-405
Canepa, E; Georgieva, E; Manca, G; Feigenwinter, C (2010) Application of a mass consistent flow model to study the CO2 mass balance of forests AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY (05988J0). 150; 712-723
Caratori Tontini F., Cocchi L., Muccini F., Carmisciano C., Marani M., Bonatti E., Ligi M., Boschi E. (2010) Potential-field modeling of collapse-prone submarine volcanoes in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS (39490J0). 37; L03305-
Carbognin, L; Teatini, P; Tomasin, A; Tosi, L (2010) Global change and relative sea level rise at Venice: what impact in term of flooding CLIMATE DYNAMICS (09281J0). 35; 1055-1063
Carniel S, Kantha L, Bergamasco A, Prandke H, Small RJ, Sclavo M (2010) Layered structures in the upper Ligurian Sea NUOVO CIMENTO B (05749J0). 125; 1567-1586
Cavaleri, L; Bertotti, L; Buizza, R; Buzzi, A; Masato, V; Umgiesser, G; Zampieri, M (2010) Predictability of extreme meteo-oceanographic events in the Adriatic Sea QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY (82588J0). 136; 400-413
Celussi, M; Bergamasco, A; Cataletto, B; Umani, SF; Del Negro, P (2010) Water masses' bacterial community structure and microbial activities in the Ross Sea, Antarctica ANTARCTIC SCIENCE (09110J0). 22; 361-370
Chierici, F; Pignagnoli, L; Embriaco, D (2010) Modeling of the hydroacoustic signal and tsunami wave generated by seafloor motion including a porous seabed JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS (06049J0). 115; C03015-
Coll, M; Piroddi, C; Steenbeek, J; Kaschner, K; Lasram, FB; Aguzzi, J; Ballesteros, E; Bianchi, CN; Corbera, J; Dailianis, T; Danovaro, R; Estrada, M; Froglia, C; Galil, BS; Gasol, JM; Gertwagen, R; Gil, J; Guilhaumon, F; Kesner-Reyes, K; Kitsos, MS; Kouk (2010) The Biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: Estimates, Patterns, and Threats PLOS ONE (00098NN). 5(8); e1184-
Coll, M; Santojanni, A; Palomera, I; Arneri, E (2010) Ecosystem assessment of the North-Central Adriatic Sea: towards a multivariate reference framework MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES (01924J0). 417; 193-210
Coluccia, E; Deiana, AM; Cau, A; Cannas, R; Tagliavini, J; Libertini, A; Salvadori, S (2010) Karyotype analysis of the pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Actinopterygii, Centrarchidae) by chromosomal banding and in situ hybridization JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY (06929J0). 26; 445-448
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Conversi A (1,2), Umani SF (3), Peluso T (1), Molinero JC (4), Santojanni A (5), Edwards M (2, 6) (2010) The Mediterranean Sea Regime Shift at the End of the 1980s, and Intriguing Parallelisms with Other European Basins PLOS ONE (00098NN). 5; e10633-
Cosoli, S., M. Gacic, A. Mazzoldi (2010) Validation of surface current measurements in the Northern Adriatic Sea from High Frequency radars JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY (09153J0). 27; 908-919
Costantini F., Taviani M., Remia A., Pintus E., Schembri P. J., Abbiati M. (2010) Deep-water Corallium rubrum (L., 1758) from the Mediterranean Sea: preliminary genetic characterisation MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE (00295NN). 31; 261-269
Dalla Valle G (1), Gamberi F (1) (2010) Erosional sculpting of the Caprera confined deep-sea fan as a result of distal basin-spilling processes (eastern Sardinian margin, Tyrrhenian Sea) MARINE GEOLOGY (65846J0). 268; 55-66
Defendi V. (a), Kovacevic V. (b), Arena F. (b), Zaggia L. (a) (2010) Estimating sediment transport from acoustic measurements in the Venice Lagoon inlets CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH (04600J0). 30(8); 883-893
Dell'Angelo, B; Sabelli, B; Taviani, M; Bonfitto, A (2010) New data on the Polyplacophora of Madagascar (Western Indian Ocean) (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) ARCHIV FUR MOLLUSKENKUNDE (00052NN). 139; 35-43
D'Oriano F., Angeletti L., Capotondi L., Lorenzi M., Correa M. L., Taviani M., Torelli L., Trua T., Vigiotti L., Zitellini N. (2010) Coral Patch and Ormonde seamounts as a product of the Madeira hotspot, Eastern Atlantic Ocean. TERRA NOVA (09420J0). 22; 494-500
ERABLE B., VANDECANDELAERE I., FAIMALI M., DELIA M.L. , ETCHEVERRY L., VANDAMME P., BERGEL A (2010) Marine aerobic biofilm as biocathode catalys BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY (13510J0). 78; 51-56
Fabbrocini, A; Di Stasio, M; D'Adamo, R (2010) Computerized sperm motility analysis in toxicity bioassays: A new approach to pore water quality assessment ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY (00912J0). 73; 1588-1595
Fabris, Massimo; Baldi, Paolo; Anzidei, Marco; Pesci, Arianna; Bortoluzzi, Giovanni; Aliani, Stefano (2010) High resolution topographic model of Panarea Island by fusion of photogrammetric, lidar and bathymetric digital terrain models. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD. 25,(132), 382-401
Faimali M (1), Chelossi E (1), Pavanello G (1), Benedetti A (2), Vandecandelaere I (3), De Vos P (3), Vandamme P (3), Mollica A (1) (2010) Electrochemical activity and bacterial diversity of natural marine biofilm in laboratory closed-systems BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY (13510J0). 78; 30-38
Ferrarin C. (a), Cucco A. (b), Umgiesser G. (a), Bellafiore D. (a), Amos C.L. (c) (2010) Modelling fluxes of water and sediment between Venice Lagoon and the sea CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH (04600J0). 30(8); 904-914
Ferrarin, C., G. Umgiesser, M. Bajo, D. Bellafiore, F. De Pascalis, M. Ghezzo, G. Mattassi and I. Scroccaro (2010) Hydraulic zonation of the lagoons of Marano and Grado, Italy. A modelling approach. Estuarine ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE (03490J0). 87; 561-572
Fontini, F., G. Umgiesser and L. Vergano (2010) The role of ambiguity in the evaluation of the net benefits of MOSE system in the Venice lagoon ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS (09184J0). 69; 1964-1972
Francavilla M (1), Trotta P (1), Luque R (2) (2010) Phytosterols from Dunaliella tertiolecta and Dunaliella sauna: A potentially novel industrial application BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY (09381J0). 101; 4144-4150
GALLUS L., FERRANDO S., GAMBARDELLA C., DIASPRO A., BIANCHINI P., FAIMALI M. , RAMOINO P., TAGLIAFIERRO G. (2010) NMDA R1 receptor distribution in the cyprid of Balanus amphitrite (=Amphibalanus amphitrite) (Cirripedia, Crustacea) NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS (71481J0). 485; 183-188
Gallus L.O;  Ferrando S.;  Gambardella C.;  Diaspro A.O;  Bianchini P.;  Piazza V.;  Bonanno G.;  Milanese M.;  Ramoino P.;  Tagliafierro G. (2010) The GABAergic-like system in the cyprid of Balanus amphitrite (=Amphibalanus amphitrite) (Cirripedia, Crustacea), BIOFOULING (10440J0). 26; 155-165
Gamberi F (2010) Subsurface sediment remobilization as an indicator of regional-scale defluidization within the upper Tortonian Marnoso-arenacea formation (Apenninic foredeep, northern Italy) BASIN RESEARCH (11437J0). 22; 562-577
Gamberi F., Rovere M. (2010) Mud diapirs, mud volcanoes and fluid flow in the rear of the Calabrian Arc Orogenic Wedge (southeastern Tyrrhenian sea) BASIN RESEARCH (11437J0). 22; 452-464
Garaventa F (1), Gambardella C (1), Di Fino A (1), Pittore M (2), Faimali M (1) (2010) Swimming speed alteration of Artemia sp and Brachionus plicatilis as a sub-lethal behavioural end-point for ecotoxicological surveys ECOTOXICOLOGY (10754J0). 19; 512-519
Gasperini L., Barchi M., Bellucci L. G., Bortoluzzi G., Ligi M., Pauselli C.Gasperini L., Barchi M., Bellucci L. G., Bortoluzzi G., Ligi M., Pauselli C. (2010) Tectonostratigraphy of Lake Trasimeno (Italy) and the geological evolution of the Northern Apennines TECTONOPHYSICS (91388J0). 492; 164-174
Geissler W., Matias L., Stich D., Carrilho F., Jokat W., Monna S., Ibenbrahim A., Mancilla F., Gutscher M., Sallares V., Zitellini N. (2010) Focal mechanisms for sub-crustal earthquakes in the Gulf of Cadiz from a dense OBS deployment GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS (39490J0). 37; L1830-6
Ghezzo, M; Guerzoni, S; Cucco, A; Umgiesser, G (2010) Changes in Venice Lagoon dynamics due to construction of mobile barriers. COASTAL ENGINEERING (00765J0). 57; 694-708
Grati F (1), Polidori P (1), Scarcella G (1), Fabi G (1) (2010) Estimation of basket trap selectivity for changeable nassa (Nassarius mutabilis) in the Adriatic Sea FISHERIES RESEARCH (04223J0). 101; 100-107
Hamida-Ben Abdallah, OB; Hamida, NB; Jarboui, O; Froglia, C (2010) First occurrence of the yellow roughneck shrimp, Rimapenaeus similis (Smith, 1885) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Penaeidae) in the Mediterranean Sea (Tunisian waters) BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS (00132NN). 12; 999-1001
Haza, AC; Ozgokmen, TM; Griffa, A; Molcard, A; Poulain, PM; Peggion, G (2010) Transport properties in small-scale coastal flows: relative dispersion from VHF radar measurements in the Gulf of La Spezia OCEAN DYNAMICS (00256NN). 60; 861-882
Heller, C, Blumenberg M, Reimer A , Wrede C, Hoppert M, Taviani M , Reitner J (2010) Microbial ecology of terrestrial methane-emitting mud volcanoes in Italy GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA (39204J0). 74; A395-A395
Hoppert M, Dreier A, Heller C, Krukenberg V, Reitner J, Taviani M, Wrede C (2010) Microbial activity in terrestrial mud volcanoes from the Northern Apennines GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA (39204J0). 74; A416-A416
Ibello V. (1), Cantoni C. (2), Cozzi S. (2), Civitarese G. (1) (2010) First basin-wide experimental results on N2 fixation in the open Mediterranean Sea GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS (39490J0). 37; L03608-
Incarbona, A Ziveri, P Di Stefano, E Lirer, F Mortyn, G Patti, B Pelosi, N Sprovieri, M Tranchida, G Vallefuoco, M Albertazzi, S Bellucci, LG Bonanno, A Bonomo, S Censi, P Ferraro, L Giuliani (2010) The Impact of the Little Ice Age on Coccolithophores in the Central Mediterranea Sea CLIMATE POLICY (13944J0). 6; 795-805
Ivanov M., Mazzini A., Blinova V., Kozlova E., Laberg J., Matveeva T., Taviani M., Kaskov N. (2010) Seep mounds on the Southern Wiring Plateau (offshore Norway) MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY (06792J0). 27; 1235-1261
La Mesa M (1), Catalano B (2), Russo A (3), Greco S (2), Vacchi M (2), Azzali M (1) (2010) Influence of environmental conditions on spatial distribution and abundance of early life stages of Antarctic silverfish, Pleuragramma antarcticum (Nototheniidae), in the Ross Sea ANTARCTIC SCIENCE (09110J0). 22; 243-254
La Mesa M. ; Scarcella, G; Grati, F; Fabi, G (2010) Age and growth of the black scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus (Pisces: Scorpaenidae) from artificial structures and natural reefs in the Adriatic Sea. Scientia Marina. 74, 677-685
La Mesa, M; Caputo, V; Eastman, JT (2010) Some reproductive traits of the Tristan klipfish, Bovichtus diacanthus (Carmichael 1819) (Notothenioidei: Bovichtidae) from Tristan da Cunha (South Atlantic) POLAR BIOLOGY (04882J0). 33; 337-346
Libralato, S; Coll, M; Tempesta, M; Santojanni, A; Spoto, M; Palomera, I; Arneri, E; Solidoro, C (2010) Food-web traits of protected and exploited areas of the Adriatic Sea BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION (20070J0). 143; 2182-2194
Longinelli, A; Lenaz, R; Ori, C; Langone, L; Selmo, E; Giglio, F (2010) Decadal changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and delta C-13 over two seas and two oceans: Italy to New Zealand ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT (16808J0). 44; 4303-4311
Lopez Correa M., Montagna P., Taviani M., Vendrell-Simòn B., McCulloch M. (2010) Stable isotopes (d 18 O and d 13 C), trace and minor element compositions of Recent scleractinians and Last Glacial bivalves at the Santa Maria di Leuca deep-water coral province, Ionian Sea DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY (10101J0). 57; 471-486
Lucchetti, A; Sala, A (2010) An overview of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) bycatch and technical mitigation measures in the Mediterranean Sea REVIEWS IN FISH BIOLOGY AND FISHERIES (10096J0). 20; 141-161
Luchetta A., Cantoni C., Catalano G. (2010) New Observations of CO2 induced acidification in the northern Adriatic Sea, over the last quarter century CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY (00067NN). 26; 1-17
Luciano G (1), Traverso P (1), Letardi P (1) (2010) Applications of chemometric tools in corrosion studies CORROSION SCIENCE (31020J0). 52; 2750-2757
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Magaldi MG (1,2), Ozgokmen TM (2), Griffa A (2,3), Rixen M (4) (2010) On the response of a turbulent coastal buoyant current to wind events: the case of the Western Adriatic Current OCEAN DYNAMICS (00256NN). 60; 93-122
Magrassi R., Ramoino P., Bianchini P.,Diaspro A. (2010) Protection capabilities of nanostructured shells toward cell encapsulation: a saccharomyces/paramecium model. MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE (09615J0). 73; 931-936
Maiorano P., L. Capotondi, N. Ciaranfi, A. Girone, F. Lirer, M. Marino, N. Pelosi, P. Petrosino, and A. Piscitelli (2010) Vrica-Crotone and Montalbano Jonico sections: A potential unit-stratotype of the Calabrian Stage EPISODES (05631J0). 33; 218-233
Malinverno E., Taviani M., Rosso A., Violanti D., Villa I., Savini A., Vertino A., Remia A., Corselli C. (2010) Stratigraphic framework of the Apulian deep-water coral province, Ionian Sea DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY (10101J0). 57; 345-359
Mancero-Mosquera I. (a), Gacic M. (a), Mazzoldi A. (b) (2010) The effect of wind on the residual current velocities in the inlets of Venice lagoon CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH (04600J0). 30(8); 915-923
Manoukian, S; Spagnolo, A; Scarcella, G; Punzo, E; Angelini, R; Fabi, Gnoukian, S; Spagnolo, A; Scarcella, G; Punzo, E; Angelini, R; Fabi, G (2010) Effects of two offshore gas platforms on soft-bottom benthic communities (northwestern Adriatic Sea, Italy) MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH (01485J0). 70; 402-410
Marini, M; Grilli, F; Guarnieri, A; Jones, BH; Klajic, Z; Pinardi, N; Sanxhaku, M (2010) Is the southeastern Adriatic Sea coastal strip an eutrophic area? ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE (03490J0). 88; 395-406
Martucci, G; Carniel, S; Chiggiato, J; Sclavo, M; Lionello, P; Galati, MB (2010) Statistical trend analysis and extreme distribution of significant wave height from 1958 to 1999-an application to the Italian Seas OCEAN SCIENCE (00053NN). 6; 525-538
Maselli, V., Trincardi, F., Cattaneo, A., Ridente, D., and Asioli A. (2010) Subsidence pattern in the central Adriatic and its influence on sediment architecture during the last 400 kyr. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH (09585J0). 115; B12106-
Mastrototaro F., D'Onghia G., Corriero G., Matarrese A., Maiorano P., Panetta P., Gherardi M., Longo C., Rosso A., Sciuto F., Sanfilippo R., Gravilli C., Boero F., Taviani M., Tursi A. (2010) Biodiversity of the white coral bank off Cape Santa Maria di Leuca (Mediterranean Sea): An update DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY (10101J0). 57; 412-430
Maugeri, TL; Bianconi, G; Canganella, F; Danovaro, R; Gugliandolo, C; Italiano, F; Lentini, V; Manini, E; Nicolaus, B (2010) Shallow hydrothermal vents in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY (00067NN). 26; 285-298
McCulloch M., Taviani M., Montagna P., López Correa M., Remia A., Mortimer G. (2010) Proliferation and demise of deep-sea corals in the Mediterranean during the Younger Dryas EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS (33924J0). 298; 143-152
Mercatini A (2), Griffa A (2,3), Piterbarg L (4), Zambianchi E (1), Magaldi MG (3) (2010) Estimating surface velocities from satellite data and numerical models: Implementation and testing of a new simple method OCEAN MODELLING (14085J0). 33; 190-203
Micheli, C; Spinosa, F; Aliani, S; Gasparini, GP; Molcard, A; Peirano, A (2010) Genetic input by Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile fruits dispersed by currents in the Ligurian Sea PLANT BIOSYSTEMS (13410J0). 144; 333-339
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Mozetic, P; Solidoro, C; Cossarini, G; Socal, G; Precali, R; France, J; Bianchi, F; De Vittor, C; Smodlaka, N; Umani, S (2010) Recent Trends Towards Oligotrophication of the Northern Adriatic: Evidence from Chlorophyll a Time Series ESTUARIES AND COASTS (00307NN). 33; 262-375
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