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Programme: Erasmus +

Project title: Innovative training for smart coastal management and sustainable Blue Growth


Duration: 07/03/2017 - 14/10/2019

Total Budget: EUR 664.122

ISMAR budget: EUR 7.700

Web site: at work


The ScolaMAR specific objective is to develop an Innovative training for Smart Coastal Management and Sustainable Blue Growth at the Master level. The ScolaMAR consortium, composed of four European and four Moroccan universities, will work together to reinforce Moroccan training capacities through exchange of good practices, focusing on 3 main approaches: technical, innovative pedagogical and integrative approaches. In order to maximise the project impact and sustainability, activities will specifically target teachers through two main activities: job-shadowing that implies staff mobility from Morocco to Europe and scientific events in Morocco. The ScolaMAR final objective is the development of an Innovative Master program based on the integration of a diversity of disciplines and approaches explored during this 36-months project, that are relevant to the field of Marine and Coastal Sciences.

Luca Bellucci of ISMAR will participate as member of the  External Advisory Board   advising the Consortium about the quality of the project ScolaMar.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Université de Bretagne Occidental (France)
  2. 2. National Research Council . Institute of Marine Sciences (Italy)
  3. 3. Universidad de Cadiz (Spain)
  4. Université Mohmmed V  (Morocco)
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