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Programme: DG MARE - European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

EASME/EMFF/2015/ on Maritime Spatial Planning

Project title: SUpporting maritime spatial Planning in the Eastern MEditerranean

Acronym: SUPREME

Duration: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2018

EU contribution: EUR 1.999.996

ISMAR budget: EUR 176.400

Web site: at work


SUPREME project involves public authorities in charge of MSP, as designated by the Governs of four MS (GR, HR, IT and SL), and the UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention. SUPREME will focus on two key objectives, stated in the call for proposals: 1. To supporting the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in EU Member States 2. To launch and carry out concrete and cross-border MSP initiative between Member States. SUPREME will address these two key objectives through a variety of tools and considering the ecosystem based approach. The Initial Assessment (C1.1) will include i) a basin scale analysis strongly MSP oriented ii) a region-wide coherence analysis, based on the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols iii) a conceptual methodology for transboundary MSP aspects. In order to develop a cooperation on MSP (C1.2), i) common objectives at sea level basin will be examined and ii) a mechanism for an operational networking will be proposed. For a specific Support for Member States' implementation of MSP (C1.3), a careful analysis and practical actions are foreseen on the following issues: i) Spatial demands for maritime sectors and related cumulative impacts (C1.3.1); ii) Data and information requirements for MSP (C1.3.2); iii) Tools and methods supporting MSP (C1.3.3); iv) Stakeholders involvement and participation (C1.3.4); v) Definition of the most appropriate geographical scale for MSP plans (C1.3.5); vi) Coordination of sectorial policies (C1.3.6); vii) Land – sea interactions and relationships with ICZM (C1.3.7). Five case-study areas will be considered and better focused at project inception. (C1.3.8): 1 Northern Adriatic; 2 Dubrovnik-Neretva County; 3 Slovenian coast 4 North-Eastern Ionian; #5 Aegean. Finally, specific criteria and indicators will be developed to evaluate the MSP process at different scales and at different stages (C 1.4). The Project will be addressed by a Steering Committee participated by the highest national Authorities and the EC (C2.1), while a Project Group will assure the technical coordination of the activities (C2.2). A Panel will be identified for having a direct involvement of major stakeholders (C2.3). The Coordinator will assure a correct management of the Project schedule, including reports (C2.4) and the communication flow (C2.5). A Communication Plan (CP) will be developed and it will be updated every 6 months (C3). Various diffusion activities are already foreseen. Some activities will be performed in co-operation with the twin West Med project, also for supporting a coherent “Mediterranean approach to MSP”.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. Consorzio per il coordinamento delle ricerche inerenti al sistema lagunare
  2. di Venezia (CORILA), (Italy)
  3. Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT), (Italy)
  4. Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea (MATTM), (Italy)
  5. Hrvatski Zavod Za Prostorni Razvoj (Croatian Institute for Spatial Development) (CISD), (Croatia)
  6. Regionalni Razvojni Center Koper  (RRC Koper), (Croatia)
  7. United Nations Environment Programme, Barcelona Convention Secretariat, Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan – (UNEP-MAP)
  8. Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy (YPEN), (Greece)
  9. National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), (Greece)
  10. Panepistimio Thessalias (University of Thessaly) (UTH), (Greece)
  11. National and Kapodistriako University of Athens (UoA), (Greece)
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