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Projects in progress CTE-INTERREG

CO_EVOLVE project

Promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural systems for the development of sustainable coastal and maritime tourism

AMARE project

Actions for Marine Protected Areas

IMPACT project

IMPACT tackles the challenge of managing protected marine areas (PMA) near port zones.

I-STORMS project

Integrated Sea sTORm Management Strategies

PHAROS4MPAs project

Blue Economy and Marine Conservation: Safeguarding Mediterranean MPAs in order to achieve Good Environmental Status

ECOSS project

ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity


Project title: Climate cHallenges on coAstal and traNsitional chanGing arEas: WEaving a Cross-Adriatic REsponse


Soundcapes in the North Adriatic Sea and their impact on Marine Biological Resources

AdriaMORE project

Adriatic DSS exploitation for MOnitoring and Risk management of coastal Extreme weather and flooding


Rocky habitats and marine environments of the Northern Adriatic: management proposals

SINAPSI project

Assistence to Navigation for a Safe Access to Ports

SICOMAR plus project

Transborder System for Safety at Sea against the Risks of Navigation and for the Protection of the Marine Environment plus

DURASOFT project

Innovative technologies to improve the durability of traditional wooden structures in socio-ecologically sensitive environments

AdriaClim project

Climate change information, monitoring and management tools for adaptation


Developing innovative technologies for sustainability of Adriatic Sea

STREAM project

Strategic development of flood management
Document Actions