Ready the volume: Methods of Study of Marine Plankton
After many tribulations, the Committee of plankton SIBM 2007-2009 will be able to finish editing the book "Methods of study of marine plankton" released in the series Manuals and Guidelines 56/2010, sponsored by ISPRA and SIBM.
- Monitorare le aree vulcaniche attive tramite aerofotogrammetria da drone
Friday 15 January 2021Pubblicato su "Remote Sensing" il lavoro, che include ricercatori Ismar-CNR, mostra l'efficacia di un drone per monitorare aree difficilmente accessibili
- New seismological data from the Calabrian arc reveal arc-orthogonal extension across the subduction zone
Tuesday 12 January 2021Con la collaborazione di Ricercatori Ismar. Pubblicato il 12 gennaio 2021
- Coastal Ecosystems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay
Tuesday 05 January 2021Nel libro in uscita per la A.G.U. i coautori ISMAR: Fabrizio Bernardi Aubry, Stefano Cozzi, Elisa Camatti.