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Research group

Cerca per sede

Name Topic City Phone Email
Arbore Popescu Grigore Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2404711
Barbanti Andrea Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407929
Bellafiore Debora Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407936
Braga Federica Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2404711
Brando Vittorio Coastal systems and human impacts
Ecosystems and biogeochemistry
Rome +39 06 45488340 email
Caccavale Mauro Geology and geophysics
Coastal systems and human impacts
Naples +39-081-5423814 e-mail
Cassin Daniele Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2404991 - lab. 975
D'Adamo Raffaele Coastal systems and human impacts
Naples +39-081-5423817 e-mail
Da Ros Luisa Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2404740
De Pascalis Francesca Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407935
Delaney Eugenia Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407962
Fabbrocini Adele Coastal systems and human impacts
Naples +39-081-5423860 e-mail
Ferrarin Christian Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407932
Ferraro Luciana Coastal systems and human impacts
Climate and paleoclimate
Naples +39-081-5423838 e-mail
Giuliani Silvia Coastal systems and human impacts
Bologna +39 051 6398897
Iavarone Michele Geology and geophysics
Coastal systems and human impacts
Naples +39-081-5423849 e-mail
Keppel Erica Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2404714
Lorenzetti Giuliano Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407972
Madricardo Fantina Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407986
Manfè Giorgia Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407968
Matano Fabio Geology and geophysics
Coastal systems and human impacts
Naples +39-081-5423834 e-mail
Menegon Stefano Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407929 e-mail
Moschino Vanessa Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407983 / 834
Nesto Nicoletta Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407915
Romano Stefania Coastal systems and human impacts
Bologna +39 051 6398919
Stanghellini Giuseppe Geology and geophysics
Coastal systems and human impacts
Support and Administration
Bologna +39 051 6398937
Tagliapietra Davide Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407920
Tamburrino Stella Geology and geophysics
Coastal systems and human impacts
Naples +39-081-5423832 e-mail
Umgiesser Georg Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407943
Zonta Roberto Coastal systems and human impacts
Venezia +39 041 2407929

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